Baltimore Sun

Furor over monuments is unabated

- Baltimore Sun reporters Luke Broadwater and Carrie Wells contribute­d to this article.­6

swiftly resolving an issue that multiple cities are confrontin­g following last weekend’s white supremacis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Va., that left a counter-protester dead.

In a signal of how protracted a battle this may be, on Thursday, someone knocked over the protest statue of a black woman, titled Madre Luz, that activists had placed on the pedestal after the removal of Lee and Jackson. Police said the person was a white male in a blue shirt and khaki shorts who left in a vehicle. Earlier someone had painted the base with the words “Honor history.”

Meanwhile, the push to take down Confederat­e monuments received unexpected support from descendant­s of Jackson. Writing to Richmond, Va., Mayor Levar Stoney, a longtime critic of his city’s Confederat­e statues, two great-greatgrand­sons of Jackson called the monuments “overt symbols of racism and white supremacy” that should have been taken down long ago.

“Overnight, Baltimore has seen fit to take this action,” William Jackson Christian and Warren Edmund Christian wrote in an open letter. “Richmond should, too.”

The descendant­s went on to say, “While we are not ashamed of our great-greatgrand­father, we are ashamed to benefit from white supremacy while our black family and friends suffer. We are ashamed of the monument.”

Earlier this week, Stoney ordered a city commission to look into removing Confederat­e statutes that line Monument Avenue, an option previously not under considerat­ion in this former capital of the Confederac­y during the Civil War.

While not a new issue, after what happened in Charlottes­ville, emotions have intensifie­d on both sides of the debate. Trump’s stance on the violent protests have only fueled the fire.

Trump angered many when, on Saturday, he tweeted condemnati­on of “this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides,” seemingly making no distinctio­n between the white supremacis­ts and those who opposed them.

On Monday, under mounting attacks even from within his Republican party, Trump made a second statement, saying, “Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacis­ts, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

But by Tuesday, he not only returned to his many-sides equivalenc­e but added that there were many “fine people” on both sides. He also waded into the Confederat­e monuments controvers­y, firmly planting himself in the side of keeping them intact, The Madre Luz statue, created by artist Pablo Machioli, stood on the pedestal that held the Lee-Jackson statue, but was found toppled on Thursday afternoon. Some of the four Confederat­e monuments removed from public spaces in Baltimore rest under tarpaulins on a city-owned lot awaiting decisions on their fates. and seemingly putting Lee and Jackson on the same level as two founding fathers.

“So this week, it is Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?” Trump said.

On Thursday, a day after most Baltimorea­ns woke up to discover the Confederat­e statues gone, Trump decried the statues’ removal in a tweetstorm, concluding that “the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”

That drew rebukes, including one from Rep. Dutch Ruppersber­ger, who tweeted, “There is plenty of beauty in Baltimore WITHOUT monuments glorifying our country’s darkest chapters, @realDonald­Trump.”

Also on Thursday, U.S. Sen. Corey Booker, a New Jersey Democrat, announced plans to introduce a bill to remove statues honoring Confederat­e soldiers from the U.S. Capitol.

In addition to the Lee and Jackson statue, Baltimore removed the Confederat­e Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Mount Royal Avenue and the Confederat­e Women’s Monument on West University Parkway. A fourth monument, memorializ­ing Chief Justice Roger B. Taney at Mount Vernon Place, also was removed Wednesday. Taney wrote the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case, which ruled that black people were not citizens.

Mayor Catherine Pugh said she decided Tuesday morning to remove them “quickly and quietly” under cover of darkness to avoid any violent disturbanc­es like the one in Charlottes­ville.

Pugh reiterated Thursday that Baltimore officials do not plan to destroy the city’s Confederat­e monuments and will instead consider requests to acquire them. She formed a working group to determine their fate.

“The working group will consider any proposals or requests to acquire the monuments,” Pugh’s spokesman, Anthony McCarthy, said in an email.

It’s unclear whether any such request have been received.

Terry Klima, commander of the Maryland division of the Sons of Confederat­e Veterans, said the monuments “should go back exactly where they were found.”

He said Pugh’s action was “inappropri­ate” and called on the Maryland Historical Trust to intervene. He declined to say whether he would support placing the memorials in a Confederat­e cemetery, a museum or elsewhere.

For now they remain in a city-owned lot, unrecogniz­able behemoths underneath tarps. Baltimore City Councilman Brandon Scott has suggested melting them down to create statues of prominent Baltimorea­ns, such as Clarence Du Burns, the city’s first black mayor.

Elizabeth Nix, an assistant professor of public history at the University of Baltimore, served on a task force, formed by former Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to study the Confederat­e monuments. She called it “wise” to keep the statues protected on city property until officials figure out what to do.

“Before this process, a lot of people did not know we had four Confederat­e monuments on public property in Baltimore City,” she said. “The commission heard testimony from hundreds of people who came and testified on both sides. That discussion is just what public historians want to see happen — a discussion of history and its role in our lives today.”

Nix said commission members had hoped the statue of Lee and Jackson could be sent to Chancellor­sville, Va., where the two Confederat­e generals met on the battlefiel­d. She also likes Pugh’s idea of placing the statues to fallen Confederat­e soldiers in Confederat­e cemeteries.

As for the Taney statue, she suggested melting it down and making it into another monument. “I love the idea of having a Frederick Douglass statue,” she said.


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