Baltimore Sun

Russia warns of strikes vs. U.S.-backed fighters

Moscow accuses SDF of twice firing on its Syria allies


MOSCOW — A stern Russian warning Thursday against targeting its special forces in eastern Syria heightened concerns over direct clashes between rival Moscow- and U.S.-backed forces fighting for the energy wealth to be found among the Islamic State group’s shrinking domain.

The warning was followed by an acknowledg­ment from the Pentagon of a face-to-face meeting between Russian and U.S. military leaders inside or near Syria to address the tensions.

With both Russian-supported Syrian government forces and rival, U.S.-supported Syrian Democratic Forces determined to follow the bends of the Euphrates River all the way to the Iraqi border, Russia’s warning underscore­d the delicacy of the arrangemen­ts that have kept the two sides from entering into open conflict.

Both sides and their patrons say they are determined to wipe out the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, from Raqqa province in the north and Deir elZour province in the east as quickly as possible. The Syrian government depends on Iranian military support as well.

But the region is home to mineral, natural gas and oil reserves that the Syrian government will need to restore its economy as it looks to wind down a more than six-year-long civil war.

As for the SDF forces fighting there, most are from the province and many do not want Syrian President Bashar Assad’s authority restored, having A Syrian woman takes a selfie in front of a damaged armored personnel carrier Thursday in Deir el-Zour. risen up against his government in the early years of the war.

Washington fears that further advances by progovernm­ent forces could help Iran, which also has thousands of militiamen fighting alongside the Syrian government, expand its influence across the region via a land bridge spanning through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, all the way to Israel.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said for the first time Thursday that it had deployed special forces with pro-government forces in the province and accused the U.S.-backed SDF of firing on its allies twice in two days.

It said it would retaliate against any future strikes from SDF-controlled areas.

“The firing positions in those areas will be immediatel­y destroyed with all the arsenal at our disposal,” said Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenko­v in a statement.

Such a response would likely endanger the U.S. special forces embedded with the SDF, raising the possibilit­y of escalation. The U.S. provides artillery and air support for the SDF.

An SDF officer commanding the Deir el-Zour forces denied targeting proAssad forces and promised reciprocal action for any attacks against his troops. “We are far from them, Daesh is between us,” said Ahmad Abu Khawla, using the Arabic acronym for ISIS. “We didn’t fire a single bullet toward the regime” forces.

Earlier in the week, the U.S. accused Russia of targeting an SDF position in Deir el-Zour. It said no U.S. forces were wounded. The SDF said six of its own were injured.

The Pentagon did not specify when the meeting between Russian and American senior officers was held other than to say it was in recent days.

Army Col. Ryan Dillon said the officers shared maps, graphics and informatio­n about where their forces are battling in the area. He said their ground forces in Syria have been coordinati­ng over telephone lines in the past month to avoid firing on each other.

The Deir el-Zour and Raqqa provinces are bisected by the Euphrates River. ISIS, at the apex of its power in 2015, once controlled both banks of the river in Syria and deep into Iraq .

Many oil fields are scattered on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in Deir el-Zour.


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