Baltimore Sun

Blame criminals, not their guns

- Brian Jackson, Linthicum Heights

I have had enough of House Speaker Michael E. Busch and I can’t take it any longer. Why is it always the gun and never the person holding the gun (“If federal government won’t control guns, Md. will,” March 7)? The politician­s love to say how much they are for the rights of gun owners and sportsmen while they take more of their rights away. They love to talk about a few particular semi-automatic rifles. As if getting rid of them will make us safe forever. What a joke. Maryland has some of the nation’s strictest gun laws now, but Speaker Busch thinks he can pass some more and they will make the difference. Politician­s love the phrase, “common-sense gun laws.” Like they had any common-sense. If Mr. Busch does, I have not seen any yet.

Thank God for Maryland’s handgun review board. They are using common sense to help individual­s protect themselves, something local and state police can’t do. The only thing in Mr. Busch’s commentary that made any sense at all is looking at the “red flag law,” but this has to be done very carefully. Because it could be used by government to really step on our rights.

When the police don’t protect you, you only have one option, and that is the right to carry. I have never been a member of the NRA, but because of people like Mr. Busch, I think it is time to join.

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