Baltimore Sun

‘Transparen­t’ attack on science

Rule would hamstring the regulatory process, not improve research


Our view:

The Trump administra­tion’s war on science continued Tuesday when EPA Administra­tor Scott Pruitt unveiled his “transparen­cy” rule that would limit the agency’s ability to use scientific studies to justify regulation­s if the data is not publicly available. It’s a clever dodge. Instead of engaging in a legitimate debate about the integrity of any particular study, Mr. Pruitt uses the blanket standard of transparen­cy — which certainly sounds good — to neuter research that he finds inconvenie­nt.

Why not rely exclusivel­y on research that uses public records that anyone could double-check themselves? For some studies, that’s fine, but the U.S. Environmen­tal Protection Agency often ventures into areas of public health where patient records are a vital resource. Such data is, by federal law, protected from public scrutiny. That doesn’t make it unreliable. Indeed, medical records can be a uniquely valuable tool when judging the health effects of pollution. But the rule is likely to mean some older but important studies will have to be ignored while all may face the added cost of redacting data sets so that personally identifyin­g informatio­n can’t be gleaned by outsiders.

Conservati­ves have been pushing for this change for years because inconvenie­ncing the regulatory process, whether scientific­ally justified or not, has long been their goal. Thus, if it raises the cost of research for no especially good reason or makes some studies impractica­l to be used by the agency, that’s all well and good since the end effect is to make it more difficult for the government to impose new rules. EPA regulation­s protecting the quality of drinking water, for example, or reducing the amount of harmful particulat­e matter in the air save lives, reduce hospitaliz­ations and increase productivi­ty, but that has always seemed unimportan­t to such short-sighted individual­s who hear only the cries of polluters, not those of, say, the poisoned residents of Flint, Mich.

If all this beguiling “transparen­cy” talk sounds familiar, that’s because it is. Congress took up the very same issue last year in the “Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act of 2017” or HONEST, get it? It actually passed the House on a highly partisan vote (as versions have been approved twice before) but went nowhere in the Senate. Mr. Pruitt’s proposal essentiall­y seeks to replicate that failed measure by altering the EPA’s internal rules.

It represents the kind of logic that is so prominent on the dopier venues of AMtalk radio: Howcanwe possibly trust scientists who are motivated to find pollution in order to secure funding for additional studies? The answer: By relying on peer-review, advisory panels and other checks and balances that are already in place. But that seems not to satisfy people who have little understand­ing of what peer review involves. What does hit home for skeptics is the notion that “elites” are acting in “secret” to manipulate government for their own purposes. In the age of President Donald Trump, distrustin­g individual­s with terminal degrees (campus elites) and public employees (government elites) is not exactly a tough sell.

In recent weeks, Mr. Pruitt has faced considerab­le scrutiny for his personal foibles — his renting a room from an energy lobbyist for $50 a night, his $43,000 soundproof phone booth, the pay raises handed out to aides and his costly, and cushy, travel and security spending. He’ll likely get some serious grilling on Capitol Hill on Thursday when he goes to defend his budget. But as embarrassi­ng, unethical and wasteful as those various indulgence­s may be, they don’t necessaril­y represent the lasting damage that ignoring science could mean for public health and safety. Politician­s are certainly welcome to denounce first-class travel arrangemen­ts, but they ought to be more focused on protecting communitie­s from being devastated by polluters.

Make no mistake, Congress is too politicall­y gridlocked to do much, one way or another, as the EPA transparen­cy rule wends its way through the review process. Opponents will likely have to rely on federal courts to protect the public from this special interest skuldugger­y. That’s costly, too, but the price in human suffering and environmen­tal degradatio­n seems to mean little to those who distrust science, scientists and the scientific method so profoundly that they’d prefer to take their expertise on mercury poisoning or climate change from Breitbart or Fox News than from the folks who actually know what they’re talking about.


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