Baltimore Sun

U.S. tax dollars can’t solve world’s woes

- Rosalind Heid, Baltimore

As a so-called migrant caravan wends its way through Mexico and demands asylum in the United States, I ask why these Central Americans don’t seek asylum in Mexico. We all know the answer – this country has so much more to offer. And it makes me feel vulnerable and concerned (“Next steps for Central American asylum-seekers will unfold mostly out of public view,” May1).

Daniel Speckhard, a former NATO official and CEO of Lutheran World Relief, believes the United States must be more financiall­y involved in the Northern Triangle of Central America. On the surface, that makes sense – yet reality has a way of interferin­g.

History has shown, time and time again, this happens when one group enjoys affluence while those in surroundin­g places barely scrape by. The situation in the Northern Triangle of Central America is a classic example. Yet this problem must be addressed by neighborin­g countries and by the United Nations. My tax dollars can’t solve it.

Our complacenc­y scares me. We live in a land of abundance and luxury compared with so much of the world. This is even more frightenin­g when you consider how we broadcast our lifestyle, even to the most humble shacks in poverty-stricken nations. When you realize our total dependence on technology is also dangerous, this alarm should increase. What would happen if a massive calamity hit and it lasted a very long time? The fall of the Roman Empire comes to my mind.

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