Baltimore Sun

Bolton: Trump to raise meddling issue with Putin

President again strikes combative tone with allies

- By Laura King

WASHINGTON — National security adviser John Bolton said Sunday that President Donald Trump would raise the question of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election when he meets with Vladimir Putin this month, even as Trump himself sidesteppe­d a question about whether he would do so.

Looking ahead to a Trump-Putin encounter, Bolton also brushed aside questions about whether Trump had been too eager to accept the word of Kim Jong Un when he met with the North Korean leader last month, seeking to quell North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. Trump said on Twitter after that encounter that there no longer was a nuclear threat from North Korea, an assessment that many diplomatic and nuclear experts dispute.

Interviewe­d on CBS, Bolton touted a U.S. timeline that he said called for the dismantlin­g of North Korea’s nuclear and ballistics programs within a year. But the national security adviser declined comment on a Washington Post report citing intelligen­ce officials as saying in the wake of the Trump-Kim talks that North Korea had sought to mislead the United States about the size of its nuclear arsenal and hide the existence of some nuclear facilities.

In an interview on Fox, Bolton offered a testy assessment of critics who have questioned Trump’s negotiatin­g style with foreign leaders — including a disastrous encounter with other members of the Group of 7 last month — as off-the-cuff, impulsive and John Bolton, right, offered a testy assessment of critics who have questioned the president’s negotiatin­g style. ill-informed, with a tendency to flatter authoritar­ian figures while slapping down longtime U.S. allies. “I don’t think anybody ought to have a case of the vapors over discussion­s we have in NATO or the G-7, versus discussion­s we have with Putin or Kim Jong Un,” Bolton said. “They’re very, very different — the president treats them differentl­y. He understand­s what the strategic interests are, and that’s what he’s trying to pursue.”

Less than two weeks before a NATO summit in Brussels, Trump again struck a combative tone Sunday toward traditiona­l U.S. allies, issuing new warnings on trade and declaring that “we spend a fortune on NATO.” He also renewed criticism of the European Union, calling the bloc “possibly as bad as China” on trade.

In an interview on Fox, Trump was asked whether he would press Putin about meddling in the election, but he declined to answer, instead raising questions about the Democratic National Committee and the FBI investigat­ion of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Bolton said on CBS that he had asked Putin about election meddling when he met the Russian leader last week. The national security adviser, who was previ- ously known as a Russia hawk, made a distinctio­n between Putin’s previous flat denial of any Russian involvemen­t, saying that this time, the Russian leader had limited his disavowal to any state interferen­ce in the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election, implying that others were involved.

Trump has long preferred to avoid the issue and frequently has tried to cast doubt on whether Russia interfered at all, despite the conclusion of U.S. intelligen­ce agencies. Special counsel Robert Mueller is i nvestigati­ng whether Trump campaign officials participat­ed in the Russian interferen­ce.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Trump needed to press Putin forcefully on the election-interferen­ce question. The president has repeatedly suggested that he believes Putin’s denials. “I’m concerned when the president tweets, you know, ‘Russia denies they meddled in our election,’ ” Graham said on NBC. “When they say they didn’t meddle, they’re lying. So I’m glad the president is going to confront Putin. Show him the evidence you’ve got, Mr. President, because it’s overwhelmi­ng.”


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