Baltimore Sun

Kennedy’s timing couldn’t be worse

- By Deborah Mason Deborah Mason is a self-employed tutor and blogger (; her email is

Dear Justice Anthony Kennedy: I just heard that you’ve announced your retirement as of July 31. Congratula­tions. At the age of 81, and with more than 30 years of service to the most demanding judicial position in the country, I have no doubt that you are ready to shake off your robe, slip on your loafers, and settle down with a good book. I get it. I really do.

But whynow? Honestly, I don’t think you could have chosen a worse time if you had consulted with a necromance­r to pick the most horrible day to leave the Supreme Court. Your resignatio­n is both too early and too late. The reason why you are too early is blazingly apparent. Our president, the American Nero, has shown a blatant disregard for the rule of law. He scoffs at the notion of checks and balances. He is a poster child for bigotry. And, in a move with the gravest implicatio­n for our country, he has even called for the suspension of due process for immigrants. He, and his senatorial henchman Mitch McConnell, are positively salivating at the idea of replacing you with a right-wing ideologue whohas no regard for the rights of individual­s. What were you thinking?

At the same time, your resignatio­n is long overdue. You have already penned or been the deciding vote in a slew of cases that have done (or promise to do) serious damage to the country. Citizens United has wreaked havoc on our electoral system. I honestly believe that you did not intend to usher in an age of unfettered greed and corruption in our electoral process. Indeed, you believed that the disclosure requiremen­ts in the election law would act as a limitation on donations. But you underestim­ated the willingnes­s of donors to give money to nonprofit PACs that can hide the identity of their donors. Americans for Prosperity, a nonprofit PAC set up by the Koch brothers, is planning to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in the 2018 midterm election. I know that this was not your intention. However, a quick glance at the outsized impact of billionair­e cranks like the Koch brothers on their congressio­nal lapdogs is ample proof that the law of unintended consequenc­es is far more robust than my First Amendment right to petition my representa­tives. Why should my congressma­n/senator/president listen to me when I do not have unlimited coffers to lavish on them? Your rush to preserve the free speech rights of the super-rich has left my own rights gasping in the dust.

Your tender concern for the First Amendment rights of the powerful runs roughshod over the rights of individual­s in other spheres as well. Your concurrenc­e in Hobby Lobby ensured that the religious objections of a closely held corporatio­n trumped the health and privacy interests of its female employees. And on the same day as your resignatio­n, by joining the majority in Janus v. AFSCME, you held that mandatory union dues for non-union government­al employees constitute uncon- stitutiona­l compelled speech — upending a 40-year precedent and quite likely gutting the last, strongest bastion of organized labor. Yes, you might have upheld an inchoate right of some workers not to participat­e, but at the probable cost of taking away the practical right of other workers to organize themselves, bargain terms and conditions with their employers, and protect themselves from unsafe work conditions.

Oh, I’m not saying that you are evil or a bad man. In fact, you’ve done many good things, especially regarding the rights of the LGBTQ community. You made many of my friends extremely happy when you wrote the majority opinion in Obergefell, upholding, in moving, beautiful terms, the constituti­onal right to same-sex marriages. But lately, in a string of decisions ranging from voting rights in Texas to the travel ban to the rights of women to receive full and accurate medical informatio­n when they are pregnant, the Supreme Court has shown a distressin­g willingnes­s to disregard the needs and rights of the vulnerable, the poor and the disenfranc­hised. Oh, you wrote concurrenc­es, and you didn’t necessaril­y agree with all of the points being made by the majority. But the result remains: You let down the very people who need constituti­onal protection the most.

So, farewell, Justice Kennedy. Enjoy your retirement. I hope you can sleep at night.

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