Baltimore Sun

‘Abolish’ ICE? How about ‘reorganize’?

Our view: Holding ICE accountabl­e — or even replacing it — deserves considerat­ion


Nothing of any importance whatsoever must be happening in the United States. At least that must have been the determinat­ion of the GOP leaders in the U.S. House of Representa­tives who believed it was a worthwhile exercise to vote on a resolution midday Wednesday giving a proverbial “attaboy” to all those employed by the U.S. Office of Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t. Of course, this wasn’t about ICE or immigratio­n policy but about embarrassi­ng Democrats and their “Abolish ICE” movement, which isn’t really about abolishing ICE at all.

That’s not to suggest the Democrats are blameless in this exercise in political tit-for-tat. While their complaints about ICE are justified — if anyone’s bothered to notice the outrageous treatment in immigrant children and the Trump administra­tion’s inability to reunite families deliberate­ly torn apart by a “zero tolerance” border policy, they’d be fuming mad, too — their call to “abolish” ICE overstates what their real goal of simply making the Trump administra­tion’s immigratio­n policy, in all its ineptness and cruelty, front and center before voters this year.

As one might expect, the resolution got plenty of love from House Republican­s while a majority of Democrats simply chose to vote “present” rather than go on the record either endorsing or not endorsing ICE personnel. The five-minute vote turned out to be about 300 seconds of wasted time.

President Donald Trumpsurel­y must have approved of getting yet another chance to characteri­ze Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as embracing an open-borders environmen­t where guns, gangs and drug cartels can cross back and forth with nary a care. But that’s not really what “Abolish ICE” means, at least for most of the people advocating it. The abolish ICE movement seeks to phase out the agency and create a replacemen­t with the same duties and responsibi­lities — just without the incompeten­ce and cruelty that’s characteri­zed its behavior in recent years. We know this because that’s exactly what the bill offered by House Democrats seeks to do. The bill backed by Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin and others would be more about reorganizi­ng government then abolishing anything. The legislatio­n recognizes the necessity of federal law enforcemen­t agents combating drug smuggling, human traffickin­g and other border-related security needs.

Admittedly, “Reconstitu­te ICE” or “Reorganize ICE” doesn’t sound like much of a rallying cry. And Democrats are split about exactly how far to go with this, having resisted putting their own bill to a vote on the floor when Republican­s devilishly offered. Perhaps a better rallying cry would be to “Purge ICE” of its worst inclinatio­ns.

Americans deserve to be angry at the Trump administra­tion. It not only forcibly removed immigrant children from their parents without knowing whether the family had a legitimate claim to be accepted into the country as refugees but also failed to maintain a record system capable of returning child-to-parent in a timely fashion. That’s largely why the administra­tion isn’t keeping to a federal judge’s timetable for family reunificat­ion (excuses about child smugglers notwithsta­nding).

President Trump and others have made clear that ICE isn’t going anywhere during their watch, and that’s undoubtedl­y true. But restructur­ing ICE or giving it new marching orders is well within the jurisdicti­on of Congress whether or not the Democrats gain a majority in either chamber this fall. After all, there are Republican­s who are clearly embarrasse­d by the zero-tolerance fiasco as well.

Does Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s surprise victory over Rep. Joseph Crowley and her anti-ICE platform signal a leftward shift in the Democratic Party, or does it simply reflect Democratic skepticism toward U.S. immigratio­n policy expressed in 21st-century, social media-driven, emotional terms? Our guess is the latter. Just get past the slogan and listen to the substance. Abolish ICE is the left’s equivalent of the right’s slogans of recent years to abolish the Internal Revenue Service. (Seriously, a majority of House Republican­s have called for the tax collection agency’s “complete eliminatio­n.”) Given ICE’s miserable track record, it deserves the scrutiny from whichever party is willing to give it — albeit a sham bill designed only to score political points isn’t the way to do it.

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