Baltimore Sun

Income disguised to help Manafort, witness says

- By Matthew Barakat and Stephen Braun

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — One of Paul Manafort’s tax preparers admitted Friday that she helped disguise $900,000 in foreign income as a loan in order to reduce the former Trump campaign chairman’s tax burden.

The testimony of tax preparer Cindy Laporta came as prosecutor­s from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office focused on the heart of their financial fraud case against Manafort, with jurors hearing testimony that he inflated his business income by millions of dollars and concealed foreign bank accounts he was using to buy luxury items and pay personal expenses.

Manafort’s defense has sought to blame any criminal conduct on his longtime deputy Rick Gates, while witnesses for the prosecutio­n have testified that Manafort was heavily involved in his own finances and personally directed Gates’ actions.

On Friday, Laporta acknowledg­ed that she agreed under pressure from Gates during a conference call in September 2015 to alter a tax document for one of Manafort’s businesses t o show t he $900,000 loan.

When Laporta and a colleague provided an assessment of how much tax Manafort would owe, Gates responded that Manafort didn’t have the money to pay it.

After a back-and-forth discussion about how much income should be reclassifi­ed as a loan to aid Manafort, they settled on $900,000, she testified.

The result, Laporta said, was an altered tax payment that Gates told her “could be paid by Mr. Manafort.”

Laporta, who testified under a grant of immunity Paul Manafort attorneys Kevin Downing, left, and Thomas Zehnle have blamed Rick Gates for any criminal activity. from prosecutor­s, said she knew what she did was “not appropriat­e,” adding that “you can’t pick and choose what’s a loan and what’s income.”

Asked why she engaged in misconduct, Laporta said she had few good choices.

“I could have called them liars,” she said of Manafort and Gates. “But Mr. Manafort was a longtime client of the firm, and I didn’t think I should do that.”

That testimony is important as prosecutor­s try to rebut defense arguments that Manafort can’t be responsibl­e for financial fraud because he left the details of his spending to others.

Those others include Gates, who pleaded guilty earlier this year and is expected to testify soon as the government’s star witness.

Most of the email evidence introduced Friday implicated Gates more directly than Manafort in a scheme to convert income into loans. But Manafort was copied in on several emails discussing the matter.

Laporta also described an effort by Manafort and Gates to falsify financial records that would allow Manafort to obtain mortgage loans.

As late as August 2016 — the same month he resigned from the Trump campaign — Manafort was sending emails to Laporta asking her to alter a profitand-loss statement for his company.

At that time, his company had not received any income in 2016, but Laporta testified that Manafort directed her to reflect that he expected to receive $2.4 million in income later that year.

Laporta said Manafort provided no documentat­ion to back up the claim. But she wrote an email to loan officers saying the income would be received by November of that year.

It was one of several times that Laporta testified that she accepted questionab­le financial statements pressed on her by Gates or Manafort, including some involving other loans prosecutor­s say were shams to conceal income.

Manafort faces charges of bank fraud and tax evasion that could put him in prison for the rest of his life.

It’s the first courtroom test of Mueller’s team, which is tasked with looking into Russia’s efforts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. election and whether the Trump presidenti­al campaign colluded with the Kremlin to sway voters.


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