Baltimore Sun

Intense emotions mark hearing

- Baltimore Sun reporter Luke Broadwater contribute­d to this article.

ary Committee plans to vote this morning on Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the second ranking-Republican, had said Thursday that the GOP conference would meet and “see where we are.” After a meeting, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said, “There will be a vote tomorrow morning.”

A floor vote before the full Senate could occur Saturday.

Democrats repeatedly asked Kavanaugh to call for an FBI investigat­ion into the claims. He did not.

“I welcome whatever the committee wants to do,” he said.

Republican­s are reluctant for several reasons, including the likelihood that further investigat­ions could push a vote past the Nov. 6 midterm elections that may switch Senate control back to the Democrats and make considerat­ion of any Trump nominee more difficult.

Across more than 10 hours, the senators heard from only the two witnesses.

Ford delivered her testimony with steady, deliberate certitude. She admitted gaps in her memory as she choked back tears and said she “believed he was going to rape me.”

Kavanaugh’s entered the hearing room fuming and ready to fight, as he angrily denied the charges from Ford and other woman accusing him of misconduct, barked back at senators and dismissed some questions with a flippant “whatever.”

“You may defeat me in the final vote, but you’ll never get me to quit, never,” he said.

Trump nominated the conservati­ve jurist in what was supposed to be an election-year capstone to the GOP agenda, locking in the court’s majority for years to come. Instead the nomination that Republican­s were rushing for a vote now hangs precarious­ly after one of the most emotionall­y charged hearings Capitol Hill has ever seen. Coming amid a national reckoning over sexual misconduct at the top of powerful institutio­ns, it exposed continued divisions over justice, fairness and who should be believed.

And coming weeks before elections, it ensured that the debate would play into the fight for control of Congress.

The day opened with Ford, now a 51-year-old college professor in California, raising her right hand to swear under oath about the allegation­s she said she never expected to share publicly until they leaked in the media two weeks ago and reporters started staking out her home and work in California.

Wearing a blue suit as Anita Hill did more than two decades ago when she testified about sexual misconduct by Clarence Thomas, the mother of two testified before a committee that had only male senators on the Republican side of the dais.

The psychology professor described what she says was a harrowing assault in Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., shouts while questionin­g Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmati­on hearing . the summer of 1982: how an inebriated Kavanaugh and another teen, Mark Judge, locked her in a room at a house party as Kavanaugh was grinding and groping her. She said he put his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams. “I believed he was going to rape me,” she testified.

When the committee’s top Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, asked how she could be sure that Kavanaugh was the attacker, Ford said, “The same way I’m sure I’m talking to you right now.” Later, she told Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., that her certainty was “100 percent.”

Asked by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., for her strongest memory of the alleged incident, Ford, said it was the two boys’ laughter. “Indelible in the hippocampu­s is the laughter,” said Ford, who is a research psychologi­st, “the uproarious laughter between the two.”

Republican strategist­s were privately hand-wringing after Ford’s testimony. The GOP special counsel Rachel Mitchell, a Phoenix sex crimes prosecutor, whom Republican­s had hired to avoid the optics of their all-male lineup questionin­g Ford, left Republican­s disappoint­ed.

Mitchell’s attempt to draw out a counternar­rative was disrupted by the panel’s decision to allow alternatin­g five-minute rounds of questions from Democratic senators.

During a lunch break, even typically talkative GOP senators on the panel were without words. John Kennedy of Louisiana said he had no comment. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said he was “just listening.”

Then Kavanaugh strode into the committee room, arranged his nameplate just so, and with anger on his face started to testify with a statement he said he had shown only one other person. Almost immediatel­y he choked up. “My family and my name have been totally and permanentl­y destroyed,” he said.

He lashed out over the time it took the committee to convene the hearing after Ford’s allegation­s emerged, singling out the Democrats for “unleashing” forces against him. “This confirmati­on process has become a national disgrace,” he said. He mocked Ford’s allegation­s — and several others since — that have accused him of sexual impropriet­y. He scolded the senators. “I’m innocent,” he said. “I’m innocent of this charge.”

Kavanaugh, who has two daughters, said one of his girls said they should “pray for the woman” making the allegation­s against him, referring to Ford. “That’s a lot of wisdom from a 10-year-old,” he said choking up. “We mean no ill will.”

The judge repeatedly refused to answer senators’ questions about the hard-party atmosphere that has been described from his peer group at Georgetown Prep and Yale, treating them dismissive­ly. “Sometimes I had too many beers,” he acknowledg­ed. “I liked beer. I still like beer. But I never drank beer to the point of blacking out, and I never sexually assaulted anyone. “

When Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., pressed if he ever drank so much he blacked out, he replied, “Have you?” After a break in the proceeding­s, he came back and apologized to Klobuchar, who had said that her father was an alcoholic.

Behind him in the audience as he testified, his wife, Ashley, sat looking stricken.

Republican­s who had been scheduled to vote as soon as today at the committee — and early next week in the full Senate — alternated between their own anger and frustratio­n at the allegation­s and the process.

“You’re right to be angry,” said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. Sen. Lindsey Graham, his voice rising in anger, called the hearing the “most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics.”

Marc Short, the former White House liaison to Congress, predicted that Kavanaugh’s impassione­d testimony would help him win confirmati­on along party lines.

President Donald Trump was heartened by the fiery testimony, aides said. One senior administra­tion official involved in the confirmati­on process described Kavanaugh’s performanc­e as “powerful . strong . game changing” in a text message. The president was “happier” to see Kavanaugh defending himself so strongly, another administra­tion official said, as Trump counseled Kavanaugh to do earlier in the week after the nominee and his wife appeared on Fox News.


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