Baltimore Sun

Census to skip citizen question

Administra­tion backs off its plan in wake of high court ruling

- By Ann E. Marimow and Tara Bahrampour

WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion is dropping plans to add a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 Census, the Justice Department confirmed Tuesday just days after the Supreme Court described the rationale for the question as “contrived.”

The decision to back away from the controvers­ial question was a victory for civil rights advocates concerned that the query would lead to an inaccurate count of immigrant communitie­s that could skew political representa­tion and federal funding.

“In light of the Supreme Court’s ruling, the government had no choice but to proceed with printing the 2020 census forms without a citizenshi­p question. Everyone in America counts in the census, and today’s decision means we all will,” said attorney Dale Ho of the American Civil Liberties Union who argued the Supreme Court case.

The fate of the question has been the subject of legal and political wrangling since March 2018, when Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced he planned to add it to the decennial survey, sparking a half-dozen lawsuits from states, cities, civil rights groups and others.

Just last week, President Donald Trump responded to the Supreme

Court’s ruling temporaril­y blocking the question by saying he would seek to delay the census to give administra­tion officials time to come up with a better explanatio­n for why it should include a citizenshi­p question.

Trump expressed disbelief again Monday that “you’re not allowed to ask whether or not somebody is a citizen.”

“So we’re trying to do that,” he said in an interview with Politico.

Instead, government lawyers by email notified those challengin­g the planned census question of the administra­tion’s decision to proceed without it.

Soon after the Supreme Court ruled against the administra­tion, Justice Department officials said privately they determined they would have no choice but to drop the question from the 2020 census.

That is because the printer had a deadline that was days away, and officials knew there was no way that the court process could resolve favorably for them before that deadline, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.

When Trump tweeted that he would explore delaying the census, some Justice Department officials were left scratching their heads, they said, because such a move would be legally impossible.

“I have to think that sanity prevailed with respect to the incredible disruption to our representa­tional democracy that delaying the census would have caused,” said Terri Ann Lowenthal, a former staff director of the House census oversight subcommitt­ee. “I doubt anyone at the Justice or Commerce department­s could figure out how to overcome the constituti­onal and statutory hurdles.”

Critics of the question, including some inside the Census Bureau, said it could cause an undercount of millions of people in immigrant communitie­s who would be afraid to return the form, leading to an inaccurate count that could skew representa­tion and apportionm­ent in favor of Republican areas.

The government had said it needed the question in order to enforce the Voting Rights Act, and Ross initially told Congress he decided to add it in response to a December 2017 request from the Justice Department. But documents uncovered in the lawsuits suggested Ross was pushing for it months earlier, and that he pressed Justice to issue the request.

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