Baltimore Sun

We need a new president so don’t blow it, Democrats


I am writing this as a registered Republican who thinks that President Donald Trump is a stain on the honor and integrity of our country (“The pitiful day a U.S. president used a political rally to mock Baltimore’s homicide rate,” Aug. 2). As much as I would like to see a Republican challenge to President Trump, I don’t think it will happen. So this is for the Democrats who hopefully will prevail in 2020: Please concentrat­e on things that matter to all of us like expanding health care, improving education, fixing our infrastruc­ture and improving our image to the rest of the world. Please do all of that without resorting to lies and mean spirited comments.

A few more things you might consider. Stop pushing a health care plan that takes away all private insurance as some of us have a plan we like. Stop talking about benefits for undocument­ed immigrants. It would be better to give immediate citizenshi­p to the dreamers, a path to citizenshi­p for green card holders and deportatio­n for the undocument­ed. Stop the talk of free college for all — maybe community college, but stop there.

Stop talking about forgiving college debt as some of us payed all of ours off, and that plan really irritates me. Keep talking about climate change, but talk about the steps it will take to get us to a solution rather than pie in the sky proposals.

All of the above is simply a way for me as an individual citizen of this great country to try and wrap his head around the problems we face.

R. P. Salmon, Linthicum

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