Baltimore Sun

Spy display marks 30 years since Czech Velvet Revolution


PRAGUE — The Iron Curtain was more than just a figure of speech: Communist regimes set up thousands of miles of heavilygua­rded, electrifie­d barbed wire fencing to completely isolate Eastern Europe from the West.

That still didn’t stop many from desperatel­y attempting to flee the totalitari­an East. Some succeeded but many lost their lives.

Among the latter, in what was then Czechoslov­akia, was a priest in the brutally-persecuted Catholic Church named Josef Skop. Hoping to reach East

Germany, before the Berlin Wall sealed off its connection with the West, he decided to cross the River Elbe undetected by walking underwater in a homemade diving suit complete with rubber boots.

Not being an expert, he used a garden hose as a breathing tube, a fatal mistake as it proved too long and too narrow to ensure a sufficient air supply.

Skop’s diving suit is on display in “Technology in Dictatorsh­ips,” a new exhibition at the National Technical Museum in Prague, now capital of the Czech Republic, one of the two countries into which Czechoslov­akia split after communism. The display marks the 30th anniversar­y of the 1989 anti-communist Velvet Revolution by looking back at the surreal repression the nation underwent and at how it resisted.

It focuses on the technology used by the totalitari­an regime to control its citizens — and the innovative means they used to undermine the omnipresen­t control.

For decades, this was enough to limit the activities of the relatively small number of dissidents.

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