Baltimore Sun

Caught in facial recognitio­n ordeal

Michigan man seeks police apology, end to use of technology

- By Matt O’Brien

A Black man who was wrongfully arrested when facial recognitio­n technology mistakenly identified him as a suspected shoplifter wants Detroit police to apologize — and to end their use of the controvers­ial technology.

The complaint by Robert Williams, 42, is a rare challenge from someone who not only experience­d an erroneous face recognitio­n hit, but was able to discover that it was responsibl­e for his subsequent legal troubles.

The complaint, filed Wednesday on Williams’ behalf, alleges that his Michigan driver license photo — kept in a statewide image repository — was incorrectl­y flagged as a likely match to a shopliftin­g suspect. Investigat­ors had scanned grainy surveillan­ce camera footage of an alleged 2018 theft inside a Shinola watch store in midtown Detroit, police records show.

That l ed t o what Williams describes as a humiliatin­g January arrest in front of his wife and daughters on their front lawn in the Detroit suburb of Farmington Hills.

“I can’t really even put it into words,” Williams said in a video announceme­nt describing the daytime arrest that left his daughters weeping. “It was one of the most shocking things that I ever had happen to me.”

The automotive worker, backed by the American Civil Liberties Union, is demanding a public apology, final dismissal of his case and for Detroit police to scrap its use of facial recognitio­n technology. Several studies have shown current facial recognitio­n systems more likely to err when identifyin­g people with darker skin.

The ACLU complaint said Detroit police “unthinking­ly relied on flawed and racist facial recognitio­n technology without taking reasonable measures to verify the informatio­n being provided.” It called the resulting investigat­ion “shoddy and incomplete,“the officers involved “rude and threatenin­g,” and said the department has dragged its feet responding to public informatio­n requests for relevant records.

In a written statement Wednesday, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy apologized for her office taking up the case, while noting she has long expressed reservatio­ns to Detroit police about facial recognitio­n technology because of its unreliabil­ity, “especially as it relates to people of color.”

“This case should not have been issued based on the DPD investigat­ion, and for that we apologize,” she said. “Thankfully, it was dismissed on our office’s own motion. This does not in any way make up for the hours that Mr. Williams spent in jail.”

Detroit police declined to comment on the complaint, citing “pending litigation.”

But the department told NPR it has since enacted new rules limiting the use of facial recognitio­n to cases involving violent crimes and only using still photos, not security camera footage.

DataWorks Plus, a South Carolina company that provides facial recognitio­n technology to Detroit and the Michigan State Police, didn’t return requests for comment.

Police records show the case began in October 2018 when five watches went missing from the flagship store of Detroit-based luxury watchmaker Shinola. A loss-prevention worker later reviewed the video footage showing the suspect to be a Black man wearing a St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap.

“Video and stills were sent to Crime Intel for facial recognitio­n,” says a brief police report. “Facial Recognitio­n came back with a hit” — for Williams.

At the top of the facial recognitio­n report, produced by Michigan State Police, was a warning in bold, capitalize­d letters that the computer’s finding should be treated as an investigat­ive lead, not as probable cause for arrest.

But Detroit detectives then showed a six-photo l i neup t hat i ncluded Williams to the loss-prevention worker, who identified Williams, according to the report. It took months for police to issue an arrest warrant and several more before they called Williams at work and asked him to come to the police department. It’s not clear why.

Williams said he thought it was a prank call. But police showed up soon after at his house, took him away in handcuffs and detained him overnight. It was during his interrogat­ion the next day that it became clear to him that he was improperly identified by facial recognitio­n software.

“The investigat­ing officer looked confused, told Mr. Williams that the computer said it was him but then acknowledg­ed that ‘the computer must have gotten it wrong,’ ” the ACLU complaint says.

Prosecutor­s later dismissed the case, but without prejudice — meaning they could potentiall­y pursue it again. The prosecutor’s office said a final dismissal isn’t legally possible, though Williams could have his case expunged. The ACLU said that puts too much burden on Williams to expunge a record “that he should not have in the first place.”

The case is likely to fuel a movement in Detroit and around the country protesting police brutality, racial injustice and the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapoli­s. Detroit activists have presented reforms to the city’s mayor and police chief that include defunding the police department and ending its use of facial recognitio­n.

Providers of police facial recognitio­n systems often point to research showing they can be accurate when used properly under ideal conditions. A review of the industry’s leading facial recognitio­n algorithms by the National Institute of Standards and Technology found they were more than 99% accurate when matching high-quality head shots to a database of other frontal poses.

But trying to identify a face from a video feed can cause accuracy rates to plunge. Studies have also shown that facial recognitio­n systems don’t perform equally across race, gender and age — working best on white men and with potentiall­y harmful consequenc­es for others.

“It wasn’t designed to work on the faces of Black people in this very Black city,” said Victoria BurtonHarr­is, an attorney for Williams who is also running to unseat Worthy as Wayne County’s top prosecutor in a Democratic primary in August.

Burton-Harris said what started out as a technical error could have had dire consequenc­es for Williams had the police encounter happened differentl­y.

“What would have happened if he had not been so calm?” she said.

Concerns about bias and growing scrutiny of policing practices following Floyd’s death led tech giants IBM, Amazonand Microsoft to announce this month that they would stop selling facial recognitio­n software to police, at least until Congress can establish guidelines for its use.

 ?? STEVEN SENNE/AP 2014 ?? Studies have shown current facial recognitio­n systems are more likely to err when identifyin­g people with darker skin.
STEVEN SENNE/AP 2014 Studies have shown current facial recognitio­n systems are more likely to err when identifyin­g people with darker skin.
 ??  ?? Williams

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