Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

“My husband and I play party bridge,” a fan writes.

“He doesn’t like to lose, and usually when all is said and done, I did it, and he said it.”

My fan cites today’s deal.

She was West and led the five of spades against 3NT. Dummy’s jack won.

“Declarer next let the ten of clubs ride. I took the king and led another spade ... and he claimed an overtrick with three spades, four diamonds and three clubs. I won’t tell you what my husband said, but that night he slept in the garage with our dog.”


West can see three spade tricks and three clubs for South, and South may well have the ace of diamonds. If his diamonds were, say, 10-x-x, he might attack the diamonds early. But South has the king of spades and A-J of clubs, and if he holds the ace of diamonds, then on the bidding his hearts can be no better than Q-x-x.

At Trick Three, West must shift to a low heart. She beats the contract as the cards lie and would also beat it if South’s hand were K 8 3, K Q 5,

10 5 2, A J 8 3.


You hold: ♠ Q 10 6 5 2 A 10 4 2

♦ 87 ♣ K 9. The dealer, at your left, opens one heart. Your partner doubles, and the next player bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner has opening values or more with support for the unbid suits, especially spades. His hand is short in hearts, and your hands fit together well. Jump to three spades to invite game. To bid only two spades to compete would be quite timid. I would rather bid four than two.

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