Baltimore Sun

6 governors sidestep sunshine laws

State leaders cite exemptions to keep records from public

- By Stephen Groves

PIERRE, S.D. — South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s outspoken business-asusual approach throughout the coronaviru­s pandemic has made her a darling of national conservati­ves and allowed her to hopscotch across the country as a fundraisin­g force.

But the public cannot see emails on how she made her decisions or how much state taxpayers are spending for her traveling security detail.

Despite Noem’s 2018 promise “to throw open the doors” of government, the South Dakota governor’s office has denied requests for both records, citing broad exemptions to the state’s sunshine law. Her state is among a half-dozen where governors’ offices routinely block access to executive records, keeping the public in the dark about decision making and possible influence peddling by special interests.

“Things that are in the public’s interests are still being hidden from the public,” said Jack Marsh, a former executive editor of The Argus Leader newspaper and co-founder of the nonprofit South Dakota News Watch.

In most states, sunshine laws give the public insight into the governor’s decisions. Since last year, governors across the country have provided thousands of pages of emails in response to requests filed by The Associated Press, revealing how some pushed economic interests ahead of public health guidance as they battled the pandemic.

But Noem and governors in five other states — Arkansas, California, Massachuse­tts, Michigan and New Jersey — have thwarted records requests by citing exemptions.

Her administra­tion has refused to disclose how much it costs to send state troopers with her as she travels the country campaignin­g for former President Donald Trump and raising her own campaign cash. Noem’s office has cited state law exempting

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is among six governors whose offices routinely block access to executive records, keeping the public in the dark about decision making. In 2018, she vowed“to throw open the doors” of government.

security details from records requests and argued that providing the informatio­n would “put lives in danger.”

When the AP sought records detailing how businesses belonging to Noem’s brothers received over $600,000 from a state pandemic grant program pushed by the governor, those too were denied under the state’s exemptions for disclosure.

In California, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office last year denied an AP request for communicat­ions showing how he made decisions tied to the pandemic. The state’s exemption dates to 1968 with

legislatio­n enacted under then-Gov. Ronald Reagan that shielded all documents belonging to the governor’s office.

David Snyder, executive director of the First Amendment Coalition in San Francisco, called the exemption a “big barrier” to gaining insight into how Newsom’s office was communicat­ing with public agencies.

Such a blanket rule “sweeps far too broadly and keeps out of public view a range of communicat­ions that really should not be exempt from public scrutiny,” Snyder said.

Lawmakers, newspapers and open-government advocates have pressed over the years to narrow the exemptions. But after the Los Angeles Times sued in 1988 to get appointmen­t calendars and other records that would show the governor’s daily activities, the state Supreme Court ruled the public interest was better served by not disclosing the calendar.

Today, Newsom discloses his monthly calendars, but they come with caveats. Pointing to the earlier court decisions, Newsom’s lawyers write that they “will not disclose entries that reveal the deliberati­ve process” and note the calendars are an incomplete look at the governor’s activities.

Massachuse­tts’ exemptions can be traced to a 1997 ruling in a case seeking access to a questionna­ire completed by the governor’s nominee to the state’s high court. The ruling denied the request to make the questionna­ire public while also finding that the state’s public records law does not expressly include the Legislatur­e, judicial branch or governor’s office.

In New Jersey, the pandemic has given the governor another way to deny records requests.

Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, has said his administra­tion is dedicated to transparen­cy, but the governor’s office also has blocked multiple requests for informatio­n.

It rejected the AP’s email request on the grounds it was “overbroad,” a kind of catchall denial under the state’s Open Public Records Act. It also cited the 2005 Emergency Health Powers Act, which dates to Hurricane Katrina and says reports and other records made during an emergency are not considered public. The state has been under such an order for a year because of the pandemic.

That was not lawmakers’ intent when the bill passed, said Democratic Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, who was a co-sponsor of the law.

“When we are in a crisis like this, people have to have faith in their leadership because they’re asking us — demanding of us — some pretty big personal sacrifices and with good reason,” she said last year. “I’m not questionin­g any of that. But because our residents need to have complete faith in the leadership, then it is more important that they be completely honest.”


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