Baltimore Sun

Criticism of Fox News undemocrat­ic

- Courtenay Jenkins, Owings Mills

I read David Zurawik’s column in horror, because what he is advocating is essentiall­y censorship of the free press (“If Fox News wants to be a political tool, it should be treated thusly and not given journalist­ic access” March 10).

Just because Fox News has opposing opinions that he doesn’t agree with because he is a liberal columnist is no grounds for exclusion. Mr. Zurawik accuses Fox News of profiting by opposing the Biden administra­tion.

The same Biden administra­tion, who after seven weeks in office wants to take credit for everything the Trump administra­tion has done as it relates to combating the virus and rolling out vaccines in record pace.

This is not something that magically happens in 50-something days. This was a herculean effort that takes planning and coordinati­on of government and private enterprise, otherwise known as Operation Warp Speed.

Meanwhile, although Mr. Zurawik admits the liberal media — which I see as MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and yes, The Baltimore Sun — profited by opposing the Trump administra­tion for four years, it’s not OK for Fox News to profit by opposing the Biden administra­tion for the next four years. Instead, he refers to Fox as “the disloyal opposition.”

So if Mr. Zurawik had his way he would exclude Fox News from any White House press briefings because, it appears, in his mind conservati­ve news organizati­ons are the enemies of his definition of democracy.

Well if that is what he thinks democracy is I would refer him to 75 million Americans in this country who disagree with him. What he espouses is not democracy it’s totalitari­anism.

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