Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Cy the Cynic told me he’s trying to maintain his mental agility through diligent reading.

“What kind of books?” I asked.

“All kinds,” Cy said, “except bridge books. I even go through dictionari­es and a thesaurus — which, incidental­ly, is not a huge prehistori­c beast.”

“You’re reading thesauruse­s to keep your mind sharp?”

“A mind is a terrible thing to waste/squander/scrap/ throw away/dissipate,” said the Cynic.



When I watched Cy as today’s declarer, his mind was somewhere else. After he stretched mightily to bid four spades, West led the king of diamonds and continued with the queen and jack. Cy ruffed and took the A-K of trumps. When West discarded, Cy lost a trump as well as the ace of hearts. Down one.

Cy wasted his chance. At Trick Four, he should lead a low heart as a “discovery” play. When dummy’s king wins, Cy can place East with the queen of trumps. Most Wests would have opened the bidding or acted at their second turn with 12 high-card points.


West dealer

Both sides vulnerable

You hold: ♠ 4 ♥ A9864

♦ KQJ ♣ 9 7 4 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one heart and he raises to two hearts. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: I would be inclined to bid four hearts. Partner must have a few spades — the opponents have not bid them — and that doesn’t leave room for him to have many clubs. If he has only A 7 5 2, K 7 5 2, A 10 7 6, 3, you will have a chance for 12 tricks, and his hand should be stronger than that.

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