Baltimore Sun

For diplomat Khalilzad, the fight continues

Man who worked on Afghan policy works to defend reputation

- By Michael Crowley

WASHINGTON — The failure to rescue Afghanista­n from the Taliban weighs on many American generals and diplomats. But few had as personal a stake as Zalmay Khalilzad.

Raised in Kabul and naturalize­d as a U.S. citizen, Khalilzad worked on Afghanista­n policy under four U.S. presidents before stepping down last month.

The battle for Afghanista­n is lost, for now. But Khalilzad has embarked on a new fight: to defend his reputation against accusation­s that he bears special blame for the chaotic fall of Kabul, the Afghan capital, to the Taliban in August.

Khalilzad has been on a public-relations tour of sorts, sitting for numerous interviews in recent weeks to argue that he tried his best to broker peace despite vanishing leverage and an intransige­nt Afghan government. Calling his work incomplete, he is also applying unwelcome public pressure on the Biden administra­tion to work with the Taliban.

His critics say the deal he reached with the Taliban under President Donald Trump was either delusional or cynical, a means of providing thin political cover for America’s abandonmen­t of his native country.

Khalilzad “was the architect of the grand deception scheme,” Amrullah Saleh, who served as Afghanista­n’s first vice president until the Taliban took control of Kabul, tweeted Oct. 28. He said Khalilzad treated Afghanista­n “as a sacrificia­l goat,” caring for it “to the moment of slaughter.”

During a recent interview outside Washington, Khalilzad rejected such criticism with a tone of bemused forbearanc­e.

“I respect those who say, ‘This was a defining war for the future of the Islamic world, and no matter what we must prevail,’ ” he said. “Well, yeah. Sure, there’s a lot of things I wish for — but it wasn’t realistic, because they couldn’t convince the presidents, Congress and others.”

He added: “I tried to say, ‘OK, America wants to leave militarily. But let’s do also the right thing for Afghanista­n.’ Because given my Afghan-ness, I was very much in touch with the feelings of the Afghan people. I took the job in part to see if I could end the war also for Afghanista­n, for the people.”

The war ended on Khalilzad’s watch, but not on the terms he had hoped. Instead of the power-sharing government he imagined could restrain the Taliban, the militant group has assumed total control over the country, which is now facing economic collapse and famine.

“Zal emerges from this as a quite tragic figure,” said Eric Edelman, a former national security official who worked with Khalilzad under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

Khalilzad had been out of government for years when, during the 2016 presidenti­al campaign, he introduced Trump for a foreign policy speech hosted by a think tank with which he was affiliated. A lifelong Republican, Khalilzad did not endorse Trump, noting his “provocativ­e views.” But the introducti­on earned him goodwill in Trump’s inner circle.

Then, in 2018, Khalilzad

told officials in the Trump administra­tion that Taliban representa­tives were interested in talking about a peace agreement. That September, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appointed him envoy for “the singular mission” of “developing the opportunit­ies to get the Afghans and the Taliban to come to a reconcilia­tion.”

In practice, however, the talks focused on the terms of the U.S. withdrawal that Trump sought. Eighteen months and hundreds of hours of bartering in Qatar produced an agreement in February 2020 under which the United States agreed to withdraw all its troops and the Taliban promised to halt attacks on U.S. forces and never harbor terrorist groups.

The deal also included a Taliban pledge to begin direct talks with the U.S.backed government in Kabul, as Pompeo had directed. But the Afghan government was reluctant, and the Taliban seemed unwilling to compromise on their goal to establish a religiousl­y based Islamic emirate.

Critics say Khalilzad negotiated little more than a relatively safe U.S. retreat.

“I believe Ambassador Khalilzad was too willing to make concession­s to the Taliban and to throw the Afghan government under the bus,” said Lisa Curtis, who worked closely with Khalilzad in the Trump administra­tion as the National Security Council’s senior director for South and Central Asia. “It was clear to many people that the Taliban was not interested in a peace process, but only in pursuing a military path to power.”

Khalilzad’s supporters say that he was handed an impossible task when he joined the Trump administra­tion.

“I’ve been very critical of the February 2020 agreement that he negotiated,” Edelman said. “But I will say in his defense: Trump cut the legs out from under it. What kind of negotiatin­g leverage does he have when the president is repeatedly saying, ‘We’re going to get the hell out of Afghanista­n!’ ”

On Feb. 29, 2020, Khalilzad signed a four-page agreement that pledged the withdrawal of all U.S. troops by the following May.

“Today is a day for hope,” Khalilzad said, sitting next to Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha, Qatar.

In the months afterward, U.S. troops began to draw down.

In April, President Joe Biden announced that he would fulfill Trump’s pledge to withdraw troops by September. But Khalilzad said that “(Secretary of State Antony) Blinken, like myself and others, would have preferred a conditions-based approach, I believe.”

Khalilzad continued to pursue a political settlement. With the Taliban demanding the resignatio­n of President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanista­n as a first step toward a transition­al government, Khalilzad pressed him to accede.

Ghani refused. Critics say that Khalilzad’s pressure undermined the Afghan leader while legitimizi­ng the Taliban.

As the Taliban closed in on Kabul in mid-August, Ghani fled the country, and his government collapsed. The war was finally over.

Khalilzad stayed on for several more weeks, helping to evacuate Americans and at-risk Afghans and pressing the Taliban to form an inclusive government that respects human rights.

On Oct. 18, Khalilzad submitted his resignatio­n. America’s engagement with Afghanista­n has entered a new phase, he said, one in which he was more useful as an independen­t voice — particular­ly to make the case that the United States must work with the Taliban to help avert Afghanista­n’s collapse into anarchy that could lead to a surge of refugees and breed terrorism.

Asked whether he thought he would set foot again in the country of his birth, Khalilzad did not pause.

“Definitely,” he said. “The struggle for Afghanista­n continues.”

 ?? T.J. KIRKPATRIC­K/ THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Zalmay Khalilzad testifies in April before a Senate committee in Washington.
T.J. KIRKPATRIC­K/ THE NEW YORK TIMES Zalmay Khalilzad testifies in April before a Senate committee in Washington.

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