Baltimore Sun

Dench, Hinds film’s heartbeat as grandparen­ts

Maturity of actors lends extra depth to Branagh’s ‘Belfast’

- By Jake Coyle

Kenneth Branagh put it directly to Judi Dench.

“He said, ‘Will you play my grandmothe­r?’ ” Dench recalls. “And I said ‘yes.’ ”

In “Belfast,” Branagh reconstruc­ts a poignant and pivotal moment from his childhood. The film, which Branagh wrote and directed, is set in the North Ireland capital in 1969, during the sectarian strife of the Troubles.

In Branagh’s film, a black-and-white, heartfelt memory piece told largely from the perspectiv­e of the filmmaker as a boy, the tension outside on the streets weighs on a young family. The semi-autobiogra­phical “Belfast” is set in a very specific time and place, but it’s rich in the universal struggles and bonds of family.

And while “Belfast” is grounded first and foremost in Caitriona Balfe’s mother, Jamie Dornan’s father and their youngest son, Buddy (Jude Hill), the film’s most soulful evocations of family come from the grandparen­ts. In scenes warm with reflection, wisdom and humor, Dench and Ciaran Hinds play Granny and Pop, the heartbeat of “Belfast.”

“If the body of the story is the parents and the kid, they came from somewhere,” says Hinds. “If you look back and see where it all started, they came from these two extraordin­ary and honest characters in Pop and Granny.”

“Belfast,” which Focus Features recently released in theaters, has already emerged as a crowd-pleasing Academy Awards front-runner. In September, it won the audience award at the Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival. And

while the love is already being spread around to Branagh’s cast, the film, perhaps, glows brightest when Dench and Hinds are on screen.

“With both of those people there is what you might call a touch of the poet. They go deep very quickly and effortless­ly.

It’s not flimflam,” says Branagh. “They have a kind of empathy and a rapport. They look out at the world. As Shakespear­e put it in one of his plays, ‘They have bought their experience.’ ”

Dench, 86, and Hinds,

68, aren’t contempora­ries or countrymen. Dench, one of the few stars of “Belfast” who isn’t Irish, is a Brit from York (though her mother was from Dublin). The Belfast-born Hinds grew up just blocks away from where Branagh lived as a child.

But they are both well-traveled, intensely

devoted actors of stage and screen whose maturity lends an extra depth to “Belfast.” In the film, they have luminous moments together, like when Pop, recalling falling in love 50 years ago, gently dances with Granny.

“We were going to go full-on there and end up in the tango, but Ken wasn’t having any of it,” says Hinds.

Dench connects particular­ly with the multigener­ational vision of community in “Belfast.” It makes her recall a period in her life with her husband Michael Williams, who died in 2001, when Williams’ parents moved in with them and their daughter Finty into a small house outside Stratford.

“My idea of family life was always to have a community where we were all together,” says Dench. “Of course, different ages of

people have different views about things. It’s a kind of a learning curve for everybody, too. Older people understand­ing about young people, and young hopefully understand­ing older people. Of course, it can clash and go wrong. But it’s good to try it out.”

Hinds drew particular­ly from his father, and found both Pop and Granny instantly recognizab­le. As played by Hinds, Pop is both sage and mischievou­s. In one of Buddy’s visits he instructs: “Be good. And if you can’t be good, be careful.”

“It was interestin­g to be asked knowing that you weren’t going to be not exactly representi­ng the writer’s family but the soul of that generation. Somewhere deep in my psyche I felt they were a part of my own DNA,” says Hinds. “This role came onto to me like the old cardigan I wore in the film.”

“Belfast” is filled with movies — an escape from the conditions of the day and hints of Branagh’s own filmmaking future. The family, rapt, watches “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” in a theater. In a quieter moment, Dench’s character speaks lovingly of seeing Frank Capra’s “Lost Horizon” (1937) and reaching for Shangri-La. Dench’s own transforma­tive experience as a child, though, wasn’t at the movies. Laughing, she recalls her weepy reactions to Disney films like “Snow White” and “Bambi.”

“I just remember being in a veil of tears as a child. Then I never got to see things like ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’ because I thought the cinema sets out to just make you cry. Which it does, of course,” says Dench. “I saw Shakespear­e when I was very little, my brothers at school. It was Macbeth. When my eldest brother came on and said, ‘What bloody man is that?’ I thought: ‘This is for me! If this is Shakespear­e, it has swearing as well!’ ”

Dench proudly boasts that she could, at any moment, do an hour and a quarter of Shakespear­e “and not draw breath.” “I could do the whole of ‘Twelfth Night’ and of ‘(Midsummer Night’s) Dream’ and some other things,” says Dench.

For years, Dench has kept acting despite a degenerati­ve eye condition that forces her to have her scripts read to her.

For Hinds, the film has put an unfamiliar spotlight on him. While a widely respected actor with decades of credits from Julius Caesar in HBO’s “Rome” to Conor McPherson’s plays (and the playwright’s 2009 film “The Eclipse,” in which Hinds played a grieving widower), Hinds has never before been in the Oscar conversati­on.

“It’s very strange in a way because it’s not really been a part of my life,” says Hinds. “I go to work.”

The memories dredged up by “Belfast” have affected both Hinds and Dench in different ways. At the film’s London Film Festival premiere, Dench brought her grandson. He, like she did at “Bambi” years ago, teared up.

Dench looks down at the tattoo she had put on her wrist at 81. “Carpe diem,” it reads. The tattoo, she notes, “could use a friend.” But she has also begun to regard the one she has a little differentl­y.

“People say it’s ‘Seize the day,’ but in actual fact, I heard on the radio completely by chance about six weeks ago that the actual, literal translatio­n is ‘Savor the Day,’ ” says Dench. “Don’t you think that’s nicer? I think ‘Savor the day’ is lovely.”

 ?? ROB YOUNGSON/FOCUS FEATURES ?? Actors Jamie Dornan, from left, Ciaran Hinds, Jude Hill and Judi Dench in the film“Belfast.”
ROB YOUNGSON/FOCUS FEATURES Actors Jamie Dornan, from left, Ciaran Hinds, Jude Hill and Judi Dench in the film“Belfast.”

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