Baltimore Sun

CRS warns about threat of famine from Ukraine war

- Dan Rodricks

Russia’s unconscion­able war on Ukraine could ignite a food catastroph­e in parts of the world already dealing with shortages from drought and the effects of the pandemic.

Staff from Baltimore-based Catholic Relief Services (CRS) are seeing firsthand the war’s impact on the food supply in East Africa.

CRS and other aid groups called on the Biden administra­tion to provide more humanitari­an funding to deal with the secondary effects of the war. “While the war in Ukraine demands our attention, we must not forget the multiple looming hunger crises in places like Yemen, Afghanista­n and in the Horn of Africa,” CRS said in a statement last week. By email from their stations in Kenya, two of Catholic Relief ’s experts in agricultur­e and food security, Shaun Ferris and Margaret Kahiga, answered my questions about the brewing crisis.

What are you seeing in East Africa right now regarding food?

Ferris: We’re seeing the effects of four simultaneo­us crises: COVID, which over two years of lockdowns and restrictio­ns degraded the business sector; drought, the worst we’ve seen in 40 years; regional political instabilit­y; and the Ukraine war. All of this is accelerati­ng inflation.

Kahiga: We are seeing a shortage of wheat, cooking oil, rice and other food commoditie­s, which are largely imported. Statistics from the government of Kenya show that, in April, national inflation hit a seven-month high of 6.47%, up from 5.56% in March. This is putting even more pressure on families trying to feed themselves.

Ferris: The food security situation in

East Africa and Kenya is building toward an inflection point. The price of eggs has risen by 30% in just three months. The price of corn, which is the main food, has increased by 25% in three months. Bread has increased by 20%. These rapidly rising costs are affecting the poorest and most vulnerable people.

I assume no imports of grain are coming from Ukraine or Russia. Is that true?

Kahiga: As far as we know, no imports are currently coming from Ukraine or Russia. This is stretching local markets and driving up prices for staple foods.

Ferris: It’s particular­ly difficult for Ukraine as most of their goods were shipped out through the southern seaports like Mariupol and Odesa. … Ukraine is going to have to truck out their commoditie­s, if they have any harvest to sell. Many traders do not want to establish financial deals with Russia, and major commodity traders are concerned about punitive fines if they fall afoul of sanctions laid down by the European Union and the United States. As one of the European traders said last week: “whilst trade with Ukraine is unreachabl­e, trade with Russia is untouchabl­e.”

Kahiga: The situation in Ukraine is driving up wheat prices and also the price of fuel. In the last month there have also been fuel shortages in Kenya leading to high prices. This has affected even the cost of goods manufactur­ed in Kenya as the manufactur­ing industry relies on fuel to produce goods.

What have weather conditions been like over the last few months? Ferris:

In the worst areas, it looks a bit like what you would think the Dust Bowl probably looked like. There is no greenery. No grass. No pasture for the animals. When you walk on the land, it crunches under your feet, because the grass is desiccated. Trees have no leaves. It feels barren. It feels scary. Kenya has lost 1.5 million cattle in the past season. Ethiopia has lost more than 2 million livestock. Such mass casualty wipes out a community’s assets, especially communitie­s that survive by sheep or cattle herding. This leads to huge tensions between communitie­s over water and the loss of pasture.

Kahiga: Northern Kenya in particular is experienci­ng dry weather conditions and extreme high temperatur­es. Many of the people who live in that region are pastoralis­ts reporting massive deaths to their livestock from starvation, heat and dehydratio­n. Many more communitie­s are migrating in search of pasture and water. In some of the communitie­s I visited recently, the majority of the men had migrated seeking pasture for cattle. Women are then parenting alone and have to find food to feed their families.

It sounds bleak. Where is this going? Ferris:

It is vital that fragile countries already facing rapidly rising prices get two types of support. First, they need financial support to reduce the impact of rising food prices. Second, they need a continued and increased investment in agricultur­al developmen­t projects, like the ones implemente­d by organizati­ons like CRS. These projects enable farmers to ramp up production over the next two to four years to meet the drastic increase in need. Congress should immediatel­y provide a substantia­l increase in humanitari­an funding for East Africa and other places where hunger is ballooning. Without action to address these secondary impacts of the war, global and economic stability could suffer as a result. In that sense, the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

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