Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Alfred Sheinwold, who originated this column more than 60 years ago, once described an “uppercut” — a strategy that creates a trump trick for the defenders — in terms of a company of soldiers of different ranks.

Today’s South jumped to four spades at his second turn and looked like a favorite to make it. He seemed to have two diamonds and the ace of trumps to lose. West led the king of diamonds, and East correctly overtook with the ace and returned a diamond.


North dealer N-S vulnerable



AKJ9 873 AKQJ7



652 KQJ952 63

West saw that the defense could get no heart or club tricks; their only chance was to win two trump tricks. So at Trick Three, West led a low diamond. East duly ruffed with the seven of trumps, and declarer had to overruff with the jack.

West’s six of trumps saluted and moved up one rank.

South then led the queen of trumps. West rose with his ace and led a fourth diamond, and East obliged by ruffing with his ten. South had to overruff again, so West’s six got another promotion — and won the setting trick.

You hold: ♠ 9 ♥ AKJ9 ♦ 873 ♣ A K Q J 7. The dealer, at your right, opens one spade. You double, the next player raises to two spades and your partner bids three diamonds. The opening bidder passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: After your opponent’s raise to two spades, your partner was not obliged to act. Since he bid freely, he will have some strength. You probably have a game, but diamonds may not be your best trump suit. Bid four clubs.

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