Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

“It was bad enough that I had a K-Q doubleton,” Cy the Cynic told me, “but my partner was Grapefruit.”

A K-Q tight is Cy’s nemesis; it reminds him of marriage, an institutio­n he distrusts. Grapefruit is the bane of my club; he berates his partners mercilessl­y.

Against four spades, Grapefruit led a heart, and Cy took the K-A and led the king of diamonds. South won, drew trumps, cashed three clubs to pitch a diamond, and led dummy’s fourth club. When the Cynic threw a heart, South ruffed and exited with a diamond. Cy had to lead a heart, and

South threw his last diamond as dummy ruffed. Making four.


“Sorry,” Cy said, hoping to avoid the impending storm. But trying to placate Grapefruit is throwing meat to a lion and hoping it will become a vegetarian. He announced that Cy must be reincarnat­ed because nobody could get so dumb in one lifetime.

On the fourth club, Cy must discard his queen of diamonds to avoid the end play. South always succeeds with better play.


East dealer

N-S vulnerable

NORTH K1063 63

853 AQ42


7 10872 J962 J985


Q9 A1074 K3

You hold: K1063 63 853 A Q 4 2. Your partner opens one diamond, the next player bids one heart and you double. Partner bids two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your negative double promised four spades and enough values to respond, plus either club length or diamond tolerance. Partner’s two spades does not show great strength; he has just “raised” the suit your double indicated. (He might bid one spade withAQ4,852,AK72,J73.)Pass.

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