Baltimore Sun

Wegovy changing way patients take drugs

People delighted to keep up with obesity meds, in contrast to other prescripti­ons

- By Gina Kolata

Most people, study after study shows, don’t take the medicines prescribed for them. It doesn’t matter what they are — statins, high blood pressure drugs, drugs to lower blood sugar, asthma drugs. Either patients never start taking them, or they stop.

It’s a problem that doctors call nonadheren­ce — the common human tendency to resist medical treatment — and it leads to countless deaths and billions of dollars of preventabl­e medical costs each year.

But that resistance may be overcome by the blockbuste­r obesity drugs Wegovy and Zepbound, which have astounded the world with the way they help people lose weight and keep it off. Though there is a paucity of data on compliance with the new drugs, doctors say they are noticing another astounding effect: Patients seem to take them faithfully, week in and week out.

Some patients may have to get over an initial reluctance to start. A national survey showed that when people were told they would gain back weight if they stopped taking the drugs, most lost interest in starting them.

In one small study, patients stopped refilling prescripti­ons for months at a time, perhaps because of side effects, lack of availabili­ty or cost issues.

But anecdotall­y, doctors and patients say, those who begin taking the drugs are continuing.

“I don’t intend to ever stop taking this medicine,” said Kimberly DelRosso of Pembroke, Massachuse­tts, who takes Wegovy.

She has never forgotten to take her weekly injection. By contrast, she says, she often neglected to take the blood pressure pills she was prescribed when she was heavier. After losing weight with Wegovy, she no longer needs them.

So far, doctors report that like DelRosso, most of their patients intend to take the obesity drugs forever, and many are thrilled when they stop needing other drugs.

Epidemic of nonadheren­ce

There’s a price to pay for neglecting to take prescripti­on drugs. An astonishin­g 40% to 50% of people who are prescribed medicines for chronic conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes fail to take them — and incur at least $100 billion in preventabl­e medical costs annually as a result. This lack of compliance is estimated to lead to at least 100,000 preventabl­e deaths each year.

Even a heart attack may not be enough to scare people into taking cardiac drugs, shown to prevent heart disease deaths. Some studies show that just half of people who had heart attacks were still taking drugs to protect their heart two years later.

“These patients have seen the bright lights, ridden the ambulance, ... given their families secondary heart attacks, glimpsed the Pearly Gates, but still don’t seem to take their statins and beta blockers,” said Amitabh Chandra, a professor of public policy and business administra­tion at Harvard University.

Even doctors stop taking their meds, defying the hypothesis that people do so because they don’t understand their importance.

And while cost plays a role, at least one study found that even when drugs are free, adherence can be abysmal.

One reason seems to be a sort of ingrained reluctance to take something that reminds people every day that they are sick, or so many patients might perceive it. Especially with what experts call “forever” drugs, taking them each day makes some patients feel abnormal.

“People think they are doing fine, so they don’t need the medicine,” said Corrine Voils, a social psychologi­st at the University of Wisconsin who studies medicine compliance. “But the medicine is what is keeping them well.”

Jalpa Doshi, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvan­ia’s Perelman School of Medicine, said patients make their own personal value judgments: “‘The medicine has side effects, requires copays, and the act of taking a daily pill reminds me that I’m sick. But I don’t have symptoms — I don’t see my high blood pressure or high cholestero­l.’ ”

“And what are the benefits?” she added. “‘I really can’t see the benefits. I could eat less salt and fatty food and do more walking or exercise’ ” instead of taking these drugs.

These assessment­s that patients do in their heads “make it much easier to stop,” Doshi said.

That describes Mark Anthony Walker, 61, of Dublin, California, whose experience with heart disease is shadowed by a troubling family history — his father died of a massive heart attack at age 47, his mother at 48.

When he was 26, Walker had a cholestero­l level of 360. “I was terrified,” he said.

He has taken statins on and off ever since and is taking one now. But he does not plan to take it forever. He has come to the conclusion that his brain needs cholestero­l. As for taking a drug for the rest of his life, “I am completely against it,” he said.

Instead, he believes he can control his heart disease — even reverse it — with a rigorous diet, exercise and vitamins.

Walker’s cardiologi­st, Dr. David Maron, the director of preventive cardiology at Stanford University, gently encourages him and others like him to take their medication­s. But, as doctors know, if they storm in guns blazing, their patients will just go elsewhere.

Less stigma, less shame

So what might be making the obesity drugs different? For one, while doctors are usually the ones to recommend drugs like statins or blood pressure drugs, patients are often asking doctors for obesity drugs.

Many have spent a lifetime trying any diet and exercise program they could find, and every time they lost weight, they gained it back again.

Also, people who start taking obesity drugs can’t hide if they stop taking them: The weight lost may come back, along with the shame and self-blame that often accompanie­s obesity. That makes these drugs different from most others.

“You don’t get a big sign on your chest saying, ‘Blood pressure medication stopped,’ ” said Dr. Walid Gellad, a professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh who studies medication adherence.

On the minus side, though, the obesity drugs are expensive and often require doctors to fill out burdensome preauthori­zation forms for insurance. The drugs have consistent­ly been in short supply around the country, making them difficult to obtain.

Other drawbacks include side effects like nausea and gastrointe­stinal issues, as well as the way they are administer­ed: though injection.

In a study at the Cleveland Clinic, Hamlet Gasoyan and his colleagues examined the health records of 402 patients in Ohio and Florida who were taking Wegovy or Ozempic for obesity. They found that only 40% had continuall­y refilled prescripti­ons over the year. Side effects, availabili­ty, or insurance or cost issues may have played a part.

But there’s a reason patients are willing to call dozens of pharmacies looking for the drugs: Without obesity, they feel that they look better and are viewed differentl­y. No longer are they shunned or shamed. No longer do people stare at their grocery cart or comment when they eat a bowl of ice cream. The selfblame and never-ending stigma of obesity are gone.


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