Big Spring Herald Weekend

Child-rearing styles come under the microscope on ABC’S ‘The Parent Test’


Any parent will tell you that raising children is an inexact science at best. But a new series on ABC intends to shed light on the matter.

“The Parent Test,” an hourlong unscripted series that premieres Thursday, Dec. 15 (and streams the next day on Hulu), explores the many different styles of parenting, from helicopter parenting to child-led, and puts 12 families through various situations to learn where the emotional hot-button issues lie and foster conversati­ons among parents who may have conflictin­g opinions on child-rearing.

Moderating the discussion­s are host Ali Wentworth and parenting expert Dr. Adolph Brown, a clinical psychologi­st and father of eight who likens parenting in some ways to being a manager in a company.

“The first order of being an effective leader is knowing that the people you are leading are not you,” he explains. “And the same applies to being a great parent – recognizin­g that your child is not you. So when your child does something that’s the antithesis of your core values, oftentimes we take it personally as opposed to seriously.

“And there’s a difference,” he continues. “When we take things personally, we own it. When we things seriously, we see it from a different vantage point and we can actually help and do something about it.”

Of course, mistakes come with the territory and parents have ample opportunit­y to learn from failure here. The series also shares best practices and encourages parents at home to do a little self-reflection on their own techniques and perform self-correction if they see fit.

Parenting is one of the most humbling endeavors anyone can undertake but Brown says it’s done by everyone coming from the same place – love.

“The best parents basically guard and guide their children,” he says. “(All parents) want their children to be healthy and happy . ... They want their children to stay out of trouble, know right from wrong. They want their children to do well in school. And I think one of the things that we want subconscio­usly as parents that we don’t always vocalize is the fact that we want our children to outshine us in every possible way.”

 ?? ?? Ali Wentworth and Dr. Adolph Brown
Ali Wentworth and Dr. Adolph Brown

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