Big Spring Herald Weekend

Murals on the walls


At Forsan High School, art students are making taping murals on the walls throughout the hallways for staff members and students to see.

“In art we learn about one in two point perspectiv­e and this is our way of practicing it,” said Haley Lefever, Family Consumer Science Teacher.

Classes do this every year as a way to broaden their art perspectiv­e. They plan out their murals over a couple weeks with the help of their teacher, Mrs. Lefever.

“We do a lot of practice drawing out one in two point perspectiv­e, then I give them a day or two to actually plan out their picture,” said Lefever.

Students have to draw out or sketch their picture before being able to tape it to the walls and depending on what the students want to do Mrs. Lefever will help them make adjustment­s. Some adjustment­s are required to make sure that the picture is able to be brought out using masking tape.

“They definitely get to pick whatever they want and I just give them guidance,” she said.

The murals in the hallways look detailed and thought out by the students. By looking at the tapings you can tell that it took time to make the drawings and put them into real life.

“I’ve had students do minecraft murals or even a football field and we just have to figure out how to make that vision possible, but from a one to two point perspectiv­e,” said Lefever.

One of the murals this year is Spongebob Squarepant­s bowling in a 3D model. Spongebob wasn’t just made out of masking tape though, the students used different colors of duct tape to bring out the picture more. One other mural had orange duct tape to add color to the picture.

 ?? NATALI MURRUFO/COURTESY PHOTO ?? Freshman boys work on the finishing touches to their wall mural, for Mrs. Lefever's class. Students had to design a one or two point per- spective. The murals are displayed throughout the halls at Forsan High School.
NATALI MURRUFO/COURTESY PHOTO Freshman boys work on the finishing touches to their wall mural, for Mrs. Lefever's class. Students had to design a one or two point per- spective. The murals are displayed throughout the halls at Forsan High School.

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