Big Spring Herald Weekend

Stand up for Children

The 10th annual Child Abuse Awareness Event hosted by Scenic Mountain Medical Center is set for April 11

- By AMANDA DUFORAT Special to the Herald

April has arrived; the time is now to Stand Up For Children.

The 10th annual Child Abuse Awareness Event hosted by Scenic Mountain Medical Center is set for April 11 and set to begin at 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.

“Child Abuse Prevention is something that we need to be tuned into all year, but April provides a heightened sense of awareness, across the nation, and we are proud to be a part of raising awareness in our community,” April Arms, Scenic Mountain Medical Center Executive Assistant and SMMC Volunteer Coordinato­r, said.

Partnershi­ps in the community have helped create an even bigger awareness. During the event, attendees can enjoy hot dogs that were donated by RK Supply and cookies donated by H-E-B. Double LL BBQ will once again be doing the cooking and Cancer Crushers are providing water. The SMMC Volunteers will also be providing popcorn and snowcones.

“We have about 30 booths signed up, but we have space for a few more agencies, organizati­ons or businesses that would like to get involved. This is a great time for our community to find out what resources are available and how many of us are standing together to put an end to child abuse,” Arms said.

The event is free to attend and will take place on the front lawn at the hospital. There will be games, giveaways and opportunit­ies to gather resource informatio­n.

“We invite the community to join us as we help raise awareness for an issue that is very really, even in our community, but together we can help put an end to it,” Arms said. “Our community has proven time and time again that when we stand together good things happen.”

Scenic Mountain Medical Center is located at 1601 W. 11th Place. For more informatio­n, to sign up for a booth or to find out how to volunteer, contact April Arms at 432-268-4907 or by email at april.

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