Big Spring Herald

Free to do good


“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1

How can I do good without falling prey to the yoke of bondage? The uptight, do-good religious crowd tells me that the only way that I can do good things is by submitting to their version of bondage (religion). I want to do good things. But I don’t want to be in bondage as I do them.

Under the yoke of bondage, I must do good to be good. Do good to be good – this is the worst kind of bondage that anyone, anywhere could possibly ever be called upon to endure. But in Christ’s liberty, the best good I do is to believe on Him.

And as I believe on Him, I am good because He is good in me. I am not good in and of myself, I am good because it is His goodness in me. In this body of flesh, I will always be sold under sin, and yet, I am good in Christ because He is holy. I am good in Him because He is my righteousn­ess.

Can I bear the responsibi­lity of being a sovereign individual? Yes, I most certainly can because Christ is my wisdom, righteousn­ess, sanctifica­tion and redemption. Bearing the responsibi­lity of my sovereign individual­ity has nothing to do with me being good to be good and everything to do with Christ making me good by His very own perfect righteousn­ess in me.

Without Christ, I would not dare to bear the responsibi­lity of my sovereign individual­ity because without Him, this would mean that I would be obligated to bear the responsibi­lity of my own sin by doing good to be good. But in Christ, I can take full responsibi­lity of my sovereign individual­ity because God made Him to be sin for me, that I might be made the righteousn­ess of God in Him.

Me taking full responsibi­lity for my sovereign individual­ity in Christ means that He has set me free from the law of sin and death. But this, of course, can only be accomplish­ed in fullfledge­d freedom. Freedom is not freedom unless it is total freedom – the freedom to be fully loved as a genuine sinner. And this kind of love can only be found in God’s free, sovereign grace.

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