Big Spring Herald

Biden chooses an all-female senior White House press team


WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden will have an allfemale senior communicat­ions team at his White House, reflecting his stated desire to build out a diverse White House team as well as what's expected to be a return to a more traditiona­l press operation. Biden campaign communicat­ions director Kate Bedingfiel­d will serve as Biden's White House communicat­ions director. Jen Psaki, a longtime Democratic spokeswoma­n, will be his press secretary.

Four of the seven top communicat­ions roles at the White House will be filled by women of color, and it's the first time the entire senior White House communicat­ions team will be entirely female.

President Donald Trump upended the ways in which his administra­tion communicat­ed with the press. In contrast with administra­tions past, Trump's communicat­ions team held few press briefings, and those that did occur were often combative affairs riddled with inaccuraci­es and falsehoods.

Trump himself sometimes served as his own press secretary, taking questions from the media, and he often bypassed the White House press corps entirely by dialing into his favorite Fox News shows.

In a statement announcing the White House communicat­ions team, Biden said: "Communicat­ing directly and truthfully to the American people is one of the most important duties of a President, and this team will be entrusted with the tremendous responsibi­lity of connecting the American people to the White House."

He added: "These qualified, experience­d communicat­ors bring diverse perspectiv­es to their work and a shared commitment to building this country back better."

Bedingfiel­d and Psaki are veterans of the Obama administra­tion. Bedingfiel­d served as communicat­ions director for Biden while he was vice president, and Psaki was a White House communicat­ions director and a spokespers­on at the State Department. Others joining the White House communicat­ions staff are:

• Karine Jean Pierre, who was Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ chief of staff, will serve as a principal deputy press secretary for the president-elect. She’s another Obama administra­tion alum, having served as a regional political director for the White House office of political affairs.

• Pili Tobar, who was communicat­ions director for coalitions on

Biden’s campaign, will be his deputy White House communicat­ions director. She most recently was deputy director for America’s Voice, an immigratio­n reform advocacy group, and was a press staffer for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Three Biden campaign senior advisers are being appointed to top communicat­ions roles:

• Ashley Etienne, a former communicat­ions director for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will serve as Harris’ communicat­ions director.

• Symone Sanders, another senior adviser on the Biden campaign, will be Harris’ senior adviser and chief spokespers­on.

• Elizabeth Alexander, who served as the former vice president’s press secretary and his communicat­ions director while he was a U.S. senator from Delaware, will serve as Jill Biden’s communicat­ions director. After his campaign went virtual due to the coronaviru­s pandemic, Biden faced some of his own criticism for not being accessible to reporters. But near the end of the campaign, he answered questions from the press more frequently, and his transition team has held weekly briefings since he was elected president.

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