Big Spring Herald

Let It Snow


Well, we did it again. Made it through another year. Did you catch the vision? It was supposed to be 2020. I think in this case it was and is now hindsight. I love that thought, especially thinking about how God brought us through the past year of pandemic.

But He started the New Year by giving us an awesome amount of snow. And since I am from Northern Nevada, my love for snow is such that if I see three snow flakes, IT'S SNOWING! I have a hard convincing my Texas friends that's what is really happening.

I use to walk to school in the snow up hill both ways in three feet of it. (Fake news) Really though it was fun to pelt my friends with snowballs and build snowmen on the school grounds and play cut the pie, and build snow forts. We couldn't wait for recess to go out and play in it.

So I did the same thing at 70 plus years as I did at 7. I built two snow creatures: a snow lady with a fancy hat, and a stray polar bear. I made a snow ball, snow ice cream, and a snow fort out of my snow on the drive way so I could get out to go to church the next morning. Then I sent pictures to all my Sunday School class members. One of them told me to be careful I didn't fall and break a hip. I told her that's what snow boots are for—lots of tread. So I become a child again when it snows.

God has a lot to say about the snow. He says: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18)

“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Psalm 51:7)

I think the main reason I love snow, is because it reminds me of the way God covers all our sin. The snow covers everything in white billows of the cloud like stuff. It's amazing to my eyes, physically as well as spirituall­y what God has wrought with this analogy. Looking out on my acreage of snow-covered everything I am reminded once again of His amazing love for me.

 ??  ?? lillian Bohannan
lillian Bohannan

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