Big Spring Herald

Local Baseball teams all compete in tournament­s over the weekend


All the local baseball teams were in tournament action this past weekend, March 11-13. The Forsan Buffaloes played four games over the weekend, going 1 and 3 in those games. The Coahoma Bulldogs played in three games and went 2 and 3. The Big Spring Steers rounded out the local teams in action, playing in four games going 1 and 3, with the last game being canceled Saturday afternoon for the rain in the area.

The Forsan Buffaloes kicked off tournament play taking on the Ballinger Bearcats. The Buffaloes would put pressure on Ballinger from the opening pitch. Cayden Morgan got the action started with a single to the shortstop. Nolan Park took a walk to keep the inning rolling. Morgan scored the first run of the day for the Buffs on a passed ball. A pitch then hit major Stockton. Sawyer Stallings doubled on a hard-hit ball to centerfiel­d to drive in two more runs bringing the score to 3 to 0 after the top of the first inning. The Bearcats battled back in the bottom of the first, scoring two runs of their own to tighten the game after one inning of play 3 to 2. Ballinger went on to tie the game in the bottom of the third inning, knotting the game at three-all. Forsan answered right back with a one-run fourth inning taking the lead back 4 to 3. The Buffaloes put up three runs in the top of the fifth and added an extra run in the sixth bring the total to 8 to 3, a win the Buffaloes worked hard for. They played a complete game from start to finish. They were led by Sawyer Stalling, who went three for three at the plate, driving in two runs. Cayden Morgan had a productive day himself as he went four for two with three runs batted in.

The Buffaloes, unfortunat­ely, couldn't win another game this weekend, losing to Wall 1 to 7, Seminole 11 to 1. In a very close game, they dropped the final game of the weekend to Herford 6 to 5. The young men battled in every aspect of the game and never gave up.

Next up, the Coahoma Bulldogs won two of their three games of their tournament. The Bulldogs oped play facing the Pecos Eagles JV team. Coahoma showed no mercy for the younger team as they dominated on their way to a 15 to 2 victory. An 11 run inning highlighte­d the game to put away the Pecos Eagles. They then took on Regan county in

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a close-fought game they ended up dropping 5 to 7. The Bulldogs finished up tournament play beating Kermit 9 to 3. That brings the team record to 8-5 on the season. The Bulldogs are gearing up to start District play on March 22.

The Big Spring Steers had their last tune-up games before they kick off district play this coming Tuesday, March 16, when they travel to Lubbock to take on Lubbock Estacado. Unfortunat­ely, the Steers had a rough weekend dropping three games of their four—the last game against the Brownwood Cubs game got canceled due to severe weather in the area. The Steers have a record of 9-6-1 on the year and will still be a favorite to win District.

All the local teams played hard-fought baseball and showed class both in defeat and in victory. These teams are all learning how to play the game together, and once they get some experience, all of the local teams will be a huge force to reckon with in their respective Districts.

Dustin is the Sports Writer for the Big Spring Herald. To contact him e-mail sports@bigspringh­erald. com or call 432-263-7331.

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