Big Spring Herald

Sunday Absenteeis­m


Big Spring is in the bible belt replete with churches to fit everyone. However, the belt is tightening as noted by the current absenteeis­m in the churches on Sunday. Absenteeis­m has resulted in nine churches closing, and some are barely hanging on now. The loss of money due to lower attendance diminishes the level of support to keep a church operationa­l.

Absenteeis­m and low income are just two things plaguing the churches. The loss of interest and love for the church by members is the main cause of absenteeis­m, plus the absence of non church members. Why do church members lose interest in their church? Who knows for sure. The loss of interest in church attendance is evidenced by the number of cars at home during church hours, and few in the church parking lots. The Bible says the coming of the Lord will be preceded by a falling away of believers with a spirit of iniquity at work. Churches and Christiani­ty are under attack world wide.

A powerful person called the anti Christ will be revealed after Christians are caught out of the world. This will be followed by a world wide persecutio­n of Christians and Jews by the anti Christ.

The falling away by Christians can serve as a powerful warning to prepare for the coming of Christ. The people who were made Christians during the tribulatio­n will be taken to heaven. Those who denied Christ will be cast into a lake of fire for eternity.

Some may be offended by what the Bible says, but others will rejoice to see a way to escape by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

The bible says that who ever will can come to him now.

Won’t you do it now?

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