Big Spring Herald

Life’s Not Fair


When we were young and in trouble with our parents for some infraction of their rules, we would often end up with punishment that we felt was not fair. We would gripe and complain to each other about what we did and how we got into the punishment phase of our wrong doing. We felt from our immature minds that life certainly was not very fair. We felt unjustly punished for what we thought was just fun stuff as children.

I remember my daddy giving me a busting for disobeying my mother. We went to the Rodeo grounds to collect pop bottles so we could buy candy. We rode our bikes which got stolen in the process. The grounds were across town and we were 12 and 13 years old--too young to be traipsing off by ourselves to such a vulnerable lonely place. The punishment was just, although I didn't think so at the time. First, we had disobeyed our mother. Second, we had put ourselves in grave danger. And, third, my daddy always backed up my mother's deserving our respect and honor.

Now, when I think of Almighty God's judgment on lost willful humanity, I realize how much responding to Jesus means to Him. If we don't accept the only way to Heaven, we disobey, and trample the blood of Jesus beneath our feet. Jesus paid for the debt I owe God. If I don't respect that way, God's judgment of Hell awaits me at the end of this life.

Sinners, in the hands of an angry God, may not think that's fair. But His ways are always right. There is no unrighteou­sness in Him, nor can there ever be. When I disrespect the Son of God and disobey His call on my life, I put myself in jeopardy of His wrath fulfilled. Hell is the end result. This doesn't mean He sends us to Hell, but rather it's a choice we make all by ourselves.

The only life that's fair is found in my fairest Lord Jesus. He is the Ruler of all nature. He is the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. When I accept Him as my Saviour from all my sin and wrong, eternal life with Him is fairer than all I can ever imagine.

 ?? ?? Dr. lillian BoHannan
Dr. lillian BoHannan

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