Big Spring Herald

No Other Name


“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

I must confess that I detest confusion, because it confuses me. I enjoy simple things because I am a simple-minded man. Honestly, I have a hard time processing overly complex complexiti­es. Take for example, salvation, sanctifica­tion and blessings. I can't seem to grasp the idea that Christ and Christ alone is not sufficient for our salvation, sanctifica­tion and blessing, without the deeds of the Law or religious stuff. I can, however, process, believe, accept and embrace what Romans 4:3 says: “For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousn­ess”. Believe. That's it! That's the only thing Abraham did, and

God counted it to him for righteousn­ess. I absolutely love the simplicity of “no other Name”. I find strength and reassuranc­e in Christ and Christ alone, because Colossians 3:11 says that He is all, and in all. Colossians 2:10 says that we are complete in Christ. Do you see the beauty in this simplicity? And why do we feel the urgent need to complicate this lovely simplicity by adding to it the deeds of the Law, the circumcisi­on, days, new moons, diets, prohibitio­ns, feasts, solemn assemblies, sacrifices or offerings?

Listen to the good news: “there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved”. This is God's simple plan of salvation, sanctifica­tion and blessing for sinners. 1 Corinthian­s 1:30 says: “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousn­ess, and sanctifica­tion, and redemption”. Christ and Christ alone is the whole package; simple as that. We are not saved by grace through faith, only to be sanctified and blessed by the deeds of the Law or religious regulation­s. This is what Paul was referring to in Galatians 3:2-3 when he said: “This only would I learn of you, received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” Isn't grace through faith enough? Is Jesus sufficient, or not? To quote John the Baptist: “art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?”

Let's keep it simple.

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Tom sloan

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