Borger News-Herald

Appeals arguments set on immigrants brought to US as kids


NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Immigrant advocates gathered at a federal appeals court in New Orleans on Wednesday in the hope of saving an Obamaera program that prevents the deportatio­n of thousands of people brought into the U.S. as children.

A federal judge in Texas last year declared the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program illegal — although he agreed to leave the program intact for those already benefiting from it while his order is appealed.

Dozens of DACA proponents carried signs, beat drums and chanted in support of beneficiar­ies of the program prior to Wednesday’s hearing at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, where judges heard arguments over whether the Texas judge’s ruling should be reversed or altered.

The U.S. Justice Department defended the program, allied with the state of New Jersey, advocacy organizati­ons such as the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund and a coalition of dozens of powerful corporatio­ns — including Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft — which argue that DACA recipients are “employees, consumers and job creators.”

Texas, the lead plaintiff with eight other Republican-leaning states, argues that DACA was enacted without going through proper legal and administra­tive procedures, including public notice and comment periods. Additional­ly, the states argue that they are harmed financiall­y by allowing immigrants to remain in the country illegally.

“DACA imposes classic pocketbook injuries on the States through social services, healthcare, and education costs,” Texas attorneys argued in a brief, estimating that the state spends tens of millions of dollars on Medicaid services on those in the country illegally.

DACA proponents argue the state hasn’t proved that ending the program would decrease its costs.

They argue that DACA is a policy that falls within federal authoritie­s’ power to decide how best to spend finite enforcemen­t resources and that Texas diminished its claims of financial injury by waiting six years to challenge the program.

They also argue the state ignores evidence that DACA recipients decrease Texas’ costs because many of them hold jobs with health insurance benefits and many own homes and pay property taxes that support schools.

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