Boston Herald

Boston students plan class walkout to protest Trump

- By BRIAN DOWLING — brian. dowling@bostonhera­

Hundreds of Boston Public Schools students are planning to walk out of classes Monday in protest of President-elect Donald Trump’s “inexcusabl­e statements” and “harmful policies,” with the end goal of building a “studentled resistance against the Trump administra­tion,” organizers said.

Students behind the Boston Student Walk-Out Against Trump say they plan to ditch classes at 1 p.m., rally at the Boston Common by 2 p.m., visit Gov. Charlie Baker in the State House at 3 p.m., and finish with a stop at City Hall to speak with Mayor Martin J. Walsh at 4 p.m.

More than 540 people have indicated, as of last night, on Facebook they plan to participat­e in the walkout,

One of the protest’s organizers, Excel High School junior Jhalen Williams, told the Herald previous student walkouts have gotten people’s attention and, in the case of concerns over the schools budget, helped restore funds.

“It’s proven to be successful,” Williams said, “and it’s something that we can get students behind.”

In a statement posted to Facebook, organizers said they accept that Trump will be the next president and added, “We have the right to protest and stand together against the inexcusabl­e statements he has made about, and the harmful policies he promises to enact against immigrants, Muslims, black Americans, the disabled, the LGBTQ+ community and women.”

The walkout aims to “send a loud and clear message to Donald J. Trump and to ensure our local elected officials commit to protecting and uplifting all residents of Massachuse­tts for the next four years,” the statement said.

Williams said organizers want “city officials to advise our workforces and police department to refrain from Trump’s proposed mass deportatio­n and to uphold Roe V. Wade along with other things.”

Boston Public Schools responded to news of the walkout with an automated call to students and staff warning that students missing class time will be marked absent.

“It has come to our attention that students are planning a potential walkout for Monday, Dec. 5, at 1:00 p.m,” BPS said in the phone message. “BPS believes in the importance of student voice and advocacy. However, we strongly discourage students from missing class time. Students who miss class time will be marked absent for their missed classes. Families will receive an automated phone call that informs them of these absences.”

Williams said the warning calls were expected, adding, “If anything, we’re happy that they’ve voiced support of student voice and didn’t directly support aggressive disciplina­ry action.”

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