Boston Herald

Obama legacy a big lie, let me count the ways


On fake news “60 Minutes” tonight, Obama will make this incredible statement:

“I’m proud of the fact that with two weeks to go, we’re probably the first administra­tion in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House.”

Can someone say Big Lie? There’s not room enough in this whole newspaper to list all the scandals, big and small, that have enveloped this most corrupt of all regimes in American history, modern or otherwise.

One website last week came up with 633, and they missed more than a few!

Just for starters, Hillary Clinton is probably beseeching him right now for a pardon, given the crimes she committed as his highest-ranking Cabinet official. Ya think Hillary’s a little concerned now about the deplorable­s?

Here are a few others Obama and his courtiers have apparently forgotten: • Benghazi, and the video lie. • Fast and Furious, the assault-riflerunni­ng scheme to Mexican drug cartels that left at least two Americans dead. • “If you like your doctor … .” • Congress allowed to exempt itself from Obamacare. • Cash for Clunkers. • Shovel-ready jobs that weren’t. • The Mideast “apology tour,” where he referred to America’s “Muslim founding fathers.”

• Solyndra and any number of other phony-baloney companies run by Obama money bundlers that took billions in taxpayer funds and then went belly-up — no prosecutio­ns, nothing.

• ISIS is the “J.V.,” and Obama admits he has “no strategy” to deal with them.

• Department of Labor uses stimulus funds to run ads on MSNBC shows run by administra­tion parrots Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann. • The Veterans Administra­tion. • Obama sycophant Gov. Terry McAuliffe funnels $500,000 to wife of FBI agent in charge of investigat­ion of Hillary Clinton email-server scandal.

• Little Sisters of the Poor sued because of their opposition to abortion.

• Administra­tion surveils Fox News reporter James Rosen, tapping his phones and reading his emails.

• Sneers at law-abiding citizens as “bitter clingers.”

• Signs an executive order allowing millions of criminal illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. after saying publicly 22 times that it would be unconstitu­tional for him to impose such an order.

• Pay to play, at the Clinton Foundation and everywhere else.

• Refuses to prosecute New Black Panther Party thugs in Philadelph­ia for voter intimidati­on.

• Appoints the first attorney general cited for contempt of Congress.

• Second attorney general secretly meets with husband of target of major federal criminal probe days before the case is broomed.

• Billions in payoffs to bloodthirs­ty Iranian mullahs, creating failed states in Libya and Syria, the “red line,” the Muslim Brotherhoo­d in Egypt, unvetted immigrants from terrorist hotbeds.

• Bowe Bergdahl — Army deserter traded for five Muslim terrorists.

• Massive violations of the civil rights of Tea Party members by the left-wing hacks at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

• Appoints an admitted tax cheat, Tim Geithner, as treasury secretary, making him boss of the IRS.

• Boundless contempt for law enforcemen­t and endless anti-cop rhetoric, starting with the Cambridge police “acted stupidly” and never stopping. • Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry. • Huddles dozens of times in the White House with racial arsonist and tax cheat Al Sharpton.

• Describes Muslim terror attack at Fort Hood in which 13 Americans were murdered by a Palestinia­n as “workplace violence.”

• Runs up more deficits than the previous 43 U.S. presidents — combined.

• Pardons or commutes the sentences of scores of machine-gun toting drug dealers — while demanding crackdowns on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.

• Refusal to call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists.

• His EPA dumps millions of gallons of toxic waste from the Gold King Mine disaster into the Animas River in Colorado — an environmen­tal disaster totally ignored by his worshipful stooges in the news media.

• White House identifies New England state as “Road Island,” Obama says “Austrian” is spoken in Austria, pronounces corpsman as “corpse-man,” brags that America built the “Interconti­nental Railroad,” says he’s been to “50 of the 57” states, misspells Syracuse as “Syracus” while picking his Final Four brackets, and upon landing in Hawaii says it’s good to be back in “Asia.”

• Spends at least $350,000 in public funds trying to “rig” the Israeli elections against conservati­ve Bibi Netanyahu.

• Adds 12 million layabouts to the food-stamp rolls.

• Says nothing as his vice president — his “brother,” as Obama describes him — publicly gropes a number of women of all ages at the White House.

Out of space, but just think, Obama still has more than 100 hours left to continue taking his wrecking ball to the United States of America. How many more disasters can he foist on us between now and his ejection Friday at noon? Listen to Howie from 3-7 p.m. on WRKO AM 680.

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