Boston Herald

We all must insist on getting the truth

- Ray Flynn is a former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican and former mayor of Boston.

I played a lot of sports in my younger years and was actively involved in politics for many years after that. Sports and politics are a lot alike. You have to work hard, don’t give up and, most of all, believe in yourself. Don’t be influenced by what your critics say, particular­ly critics in the media. They often promote their own political, economic and cultural bias.

I follow local, national and internatio­nal issues and events very closely. But after watching the U.S. Senate hearings all this week about President-elect Trump’s Cabinet selections, I have to conclude, if knowledge, truth and experience are important for the public to hear, why does the public often get sensationa­lism, distortion and opinion? I think the TV audience of the Senate Cabinet confirmati­on hearings this week received a distorted and confused version of the truth. The public was torn between fact and fake news. It’s no wonder people are disillusio­ned with the credibilit­y of the media. We kept hearing several members of the press referring to the First Amendment and freedom of the press.

But nobody mentioned that the people are also entitled to hearing the truth.

People are entitled to hear the truth in the public arena in order to make an informed opinion. That’s called democracy. But that’s not what people are getting today. The airways belong to the public, not big corporatio­ns, public relations consultant­s or major political parties. A debate between two slick, savvy partisan political operatives on TV usually results in the public being more confused and frustrated than before the political discussion. The partisan shouting match with the moderator provides no informatio­n.

I’m frequently asked by people I talk to on the street, outside church or at the supermarke­t, “Ray, politics and government has really changed, hasn’t it?”

Yes, it has, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. We have many decent elected officials who are honestly trying to do a good job representi­ng us. But we cannot give up or give in to a failed system of government.

You still have the power to change things.

Here’s one thing you can do today. Let the commercial sponsors of these TV and social media programs know how frustrated you are. If you don’t demand change, nothing is going to change. The public will continue to do what they are doing now, giving up on the media and politician­s even while they love their country.

 ?? HERALD FILE PHOTO ?? PLAIN TALK: Ray Flynn, shown as a state representa­tive in 1975, says much has changed with politics and government — though not all for the better.
HERALD FILE PHOTO PLAIN TALK: Ray Flynn, shown as a state representa­tive in 1975, says much has changed with politics and government — though not all for the better.
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