Boston Herald

Baker must reunite GOP now for 2018 run


Wednesday, with the election of a new state Republican Party chairman, may be the last chance for Gov. Charlie Baker to unite the GOP for 2018.

As in 2014, we need party unity to beat the Democrats.

Despite Baker’s liberal views, many grass-roots Republican­s supported his 2014 gubernator­ial bid. At the time they believed he was better than a Democrat and they would at least have a seat at the table. Not only did conservati­ves not get a seat, the door was slammed in their faces.

For example, grass-roots hero Steve Aylward, who was the co-chairman of the successful repeal of automatic gas-tax hikes which helped Baker’s candidacy, was rewarded with Team Baker running a Democrat against him for State Committee.

Sadly, after two years of being dissed by Team Baker, nice words are not enough to bring the grass roots back into the fold. His attendance at the Trump inaugurati­on was nothing more than a token gesture.

Conservati­ves are not going to forget Baker’s blanking the presidenti­al ballot or the state committee war waged against them. It has not gone unnoticed that Democrats have been routinely treated better than Republican activists.

Uniting the GOP requires more than a gesture.

Baker needs to review some numbers: More commonweal­th residents came out to vote for Trump than Baker. Allowing a “never Trump”-er to remain as chairwoman creates a ticking time bomb. Trump supporters feel empowered, not deflated. There will be a backlash.

Baker should help find new employment for Chairwoman Kirsten Hughes. That will pave the way for him to support Aylward and mend the fence.

Behind the scenes, Baker loyalists don’t believe Hughes is up to the reelection task. Recently, she called the Democrat gubernator­ial candidates the B team. Was she trying to egg on Attorney General Maura Healey to run? Hughes’ statement was almost as bad as President Obama calling ISIS the JV team.

This is the People’s Republic of Massachuse­tts. Democrats can put up their B team and win, especially if Republican­s are not united.

Baker should take a page out of Gov. Bill Weld’s playbook. He allowed the grass roots to have their choice for chairman — Jim Rappaport.

Party unity for a 2018 victory begins with a real olive branch, not just 2014-type lip service. The grass roots have been there and done that. It did not turn out well in 2015 for them.

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