Boston Herald

Crybaby Democrats learning turnabout is fair play


Call the Guinness Book of World Records. Democrats have thrown the longest temper tantrum in our country’s history. We are now 90 days into this hissy fit since Donald Trump was elected president.

Despite the media egging on Democrats to continue their crybaby routine in opposition to Trump, Americans are on protest overload. It is now just part of our daily routine, like brushing our teeth.

All their phony outrage is destroying any remaining credibilit­y the Democratic Party had. They have objected to election results, every Cabinet nominee and every policy change. Clearly, no one ever taught them about crying wolf one too many times.

Don’t count on these endless protests to stop anytime soon, because delusional Democrats believe that bipartisan means Republican­s only do what they want. They never have to compromise with what Republican­s want.

When the Democratic majority passed Obamacare, they did not seek bipartisan support. Speaker Nancy Pelosi marched on Capitol Hill waving the gavel to show her mighty strength in passing the law with no Republican support.

Live by the tactics. Die by the tactics.

Last week, when Democrats refused to show up for committee hearings to approve Trump’s Cabinet nominees, Sen. Orrin Hatch (RUtah) suspended the rules to vote them out of committee. Democrats were probably hoping for a backlash, but the average American knows you need to show up for work.

That’s just the first taste of Republican­s using the Democrats’ tactics.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will most likely invoke the nuclear option to get Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, on the bench. There will be no riling up the public to call the White House or Senate against McConnell and Gorsuch, because Democrats have used up all the political oxygen on other protests, such as Trump’s seven-country, 90day ban on immigratio­n. The public saw Democrats protest first and ask questions later. Out of the 325,000 admitted on foreign visas on the first weekend, it only affected 109 people. Moreover, President Obama had done a similar ban. Worse yet for the crybaby party, the majority of Americans agree with Trump.

As a Republican, it is fun watching Democrats implode. Keep it up, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer, Reps. Seth Moulton and Nancy Pelosi, and Attorney General Maura Healey. Keep turning off voters!

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