Boston Herald

It’s another Camelot cash grab

- Order Howie’s book, Kennedy Babylon, at his website, howiecarrs­

Caroline Kennedy has more money than God — so why is the JFK Library now begging the public to come up with money to fix up her dad JFK’s sailboat, the Victura?

In a fundraisin­g pitch yesterday, the JFK Library pointed out how “President Kennedy loved the sea.”

Yes, almost as much as he loved hookers.

But the coming 100th birthday of JFK is looming at the end of May. It’s the centenary. So it’s time for the Kennedys to be separating the marks from their money, yet again.

You see, as it’s explained in the email, the Victura, which is parked in front of the library during the warmweathe­r months, was JFK’s favorite. It was symbolic of his love of the sea, which extended “even to the Oval Office where he doodled sailboats during meetings.”

Doodled? Considerin­g JFK’s assignatio­ns in the Oval Office during the 1,000 days, was “doodled” really the right word in this context?

But the pitch for cash is definitely the Kennedy M.O. Get somebody else to pony up. It was the same deal with Ted Kennedy’s “Senate Immersion Center.” Talk about a poor choice of words, immersion.

Remember how when the Kennedys announced the edifice to Fat Boy, they claimed that the taxpayers need only foot a nominal sum for the building, because all of Teddy’s friends would of course happily line up to provide millions to construct the Pharoah-like shrine.

Except they didn’t. Once the Hero of Chappaquid­dick assumed room temperatur­e, he was of no further use to them, whoever they were, and they all ducked out the back door.

Guess who paid for the Immersion Center. Got a mirror?

If we must establish a GoFundMe page to pay for a historic seagoing Kennedy-family vehicle, may I suggest something appropriat­e for in front of the EMK Immersion Center.

Namely, a 1967 black Oldsmobile Delmont. Call it the S.S. Mary Jo.

But that’s just one suggestion for a Kennedy fundraisin­g drive. Despite more than a half-century of slobbering hero worship by the alt-left media, so much of the family’s history remains inaccessib­le to the little people who made it all possible.

For instance, their brother-in-Lawford, Peter, used to drunkenly brag to his later wives how he had taken photograph­s of JFK and Marilyn Monroe cavorting nude in the bathtub of the guest wing of his Santa Monica beach house.

Let’s find those snapshots! If the Kennedys want SRO crowds thronging Columbia Point again, they’ll have to give the rubes something to drive out to Dorchester for.

So why doesn’t Caroline pay for the tune-up on her dad’s boat? Back in 2008, when she expected to be coronated as the next senator from New York, she haughtily refused to release any financial data or tax returns.

Sound familiar? But nobody ever gave her lip about stonewalli­ng. Not for nothing are the Kennedys Democrats. Being a Kennedy and a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? COMPOUND INTEREST: The John F. Kennedy Presidenti­al Library is looking for funds for JFK’s sailboat.
AP FILE PHOTO COMPOUND INTEREST: The John F. Kennedy Presidenti­al Library is looking for funds for JFK’s sailboat.
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