Boston Herald

Sessions’ aim on crime off target

Pursues policies that have U.S. tops for prison rates

- By ANTHONY J. BENEDETTI Anthony J. Benedetti is chief counsel for the Committee for Public Counsel Services, the statewide agency that oversees legal representa­tion for the indigent in criminal and civil cases.

On the day Jeff Sessions was sworn in as attorney general, the president signed three executive orders pertaining to criminal justice. More recently, Sessions issued a memo to federal prosecutor­s stating, “It is the policy of the Department of Justice to reduce crime, and addressing violent crime must be a special priority.”

These actions are baffling because data indicate that crime rates across the United States are declining. A 2015 article by Matt Ford in The Atlantic, “What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?” reveals, “By the end of the last decade crime rates went down. And then they kept going down…. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.”

The Brennan Center for Justice supports this reporting, “Crime in America is at historic lows nationally, despite recent upticks in a handful of cities. ... The average person in a large urban area is safer walking on the street today than he or she would have been at almost any time in the past 30 years.”

So why rush to issue orders that, at best, relate only to “recent upticks in a handful of cities?”

It’s an important question that needs answering before our nation heads down a path that ignores data and embraces failed policies that have caused the U.S. to become the world leader in incarcerat­ion.

Despite declining crime rates, our country imprisons more people than any other nation in the world. In 2016, the Sentencing Project reported, “The U.S. is the world’s leader in incarcerat­ion. There are 2.2 million people in the nation’s prisons and jails — a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years.” More disturbing is that the racial disparity of our nation’s prison population is appalling. A Sentencing Project 2015 report confirms that “one in every 10 black males in their 30s is in prison or jail on any given day in the U.S.”

Like other states, Massachuse­tts is experienci­ng a decrease in crime. It also imprisons a significan­t number of people. The good news is we have the lowest incarcerat­ion rate in the U.S; the bad news is we are the best of the worst worldwide.

A 2016 Prison Policy Initiative report discloses, “The two U.S. states that incarcerat­e the least are Vermont and Massachuse­tts, but if those states became independen­t nations, they would rank as the 11th and 12th greatest users of incarcerat­ion on the planet.”

Massachuse­tts has a higher incarcerat­ion rate than every European nation, and a higher rate than Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanista­n, Libya and Somalia. Our racial disparity is also extremely troubling. According to the Sentencing Project, in 2016, the Massachuse­tts rate of imprisonme­nt for whites was 89 for every 100,000 population, but 605 in 100,000 for blacks, and 351 in 100,000 for Hispanics, the nation’s highest ratio. Although we may be doing better than other states in overall incarcerat­ion rates, there’s room for improvemen­t. Declining crime rates provide an opportunit­y for meaningful “smart on crime” reforms that reduce reliance on incarcerat­ion and focus on ways to lower recidivism while maintainin­g public safety. Massachuse­tts is taking a first step on this with “Justice Reinvestme­nt” legislatio­n supported by the governor, Senate president, House speaker, and the chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. Other states are working on similar initiative­s that help release people from prison and keep many out. Such measures will save taxpayer dollars, while further reducing crime, increasing public safety and improving lives.

The recent actions by the president and U.S. attorney general will encourage failed policies and only add more prison beds and incarcerat­e more people. They should be derailed before upending efforts for successful “smart on crime” reforms. The United States and Massachuse­tts should focus instead on diverting a greater number of people from prison, creating more opportunit­ies for mental health and substance abuse treatment and providing more programs for prisoners and those returning to their communitie­s.

 ??  ?? SESSIONS: Ignores decline in crime rates making country safest in years.
SESSIONS: Ignores decline in crime rates making country safest in years.

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