Boston Herald

Fidget spinners twirl their way to top


The Easter bunny will likely be delivering a lot of fidget spinners in Easter baskets this year alongside chocolate and eggs.

The palm-sized, threeprong­ed spinners, which twirl reminiscen­t of a pinwheel, are all the rage among kids who spin them on their fingers, their noses and more.

“It’s mayhem, beyond mayhem,” said Jamie Glassberg, vice president of sales at Top Trenz, which is distributi­ng its brand, called Spinner Squad. “I’ve been in business for 23 years. Remember Rainbow Loom and Silly Bandz? This thing is bigger than both.”

Spinners come in metallics, in solids, in prints and range in price from about $9 to $20. Top Trenz sells spinners decorated with camouflage, gumballs, soccer balls and more.

“Did you ever have a pen, and you’re tapping the cap on, off, on, off? Or you spin it finger to finger?” Glassberg said. That’s the appeal of the spinner — it’s a way to fidget.

“My daughter, she could spin them all day,” said Cheryl Haley of East Northport, N.Y., of her daughter Amanda, 10. She says Amanda is sure the Easter bunny will be bringing her another one.

That’s the case for A.J. Prudente, 8, of Nesconset, N.Y., as well. “He loves this,” said his mom, Denise. “He holds it, he spins it, he watches it. It calms him.”

Parents who have had trouble finding spinners for their kids have taken to Facebook parenting pages, asking where other moms or dads have found them. People will respond saying they just found one, for instance, at a certain 7-Eleven or other store.

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