Boston Herald

Gonzalez outlines thrust of gubernator­ial run


Gubernator­ial candidate Jay Gonzalez, who served as secretary of administra­tion and finance under former Gov. Deval Patrick, joined Boston Herald Radio’s “Morning Meeting” program yesterday to discuss his upcoming run for governor and Gov. Charlie Baker’s record.

Q: The race for governor has gotten another entrant. Bob Massie is in the race. Wanted to get your reaction to that.

A: Yes. Bob Massie has officially entered the race. I welcome him to the race. I’ve met him at a few events recently. He’s a nice guy ... It doesn’t change my approach to this campaign ... I’m running because I think we need to make Massachuse­tts a leader again. I think we’ve got a lot of challenges we’re facing that are holding people back and we need to be taking them on ambitiousl­y and trying to make real progress for people in a way that they’re going to feel. When it comes to making college affordable, making it affordable for people to get child care or fixing our transporta­tion system, we’ve got a lot of big challenges. We need to take them on and I think I’ve got unique leadership experience — both in the public sector and the private sector — to deliver on that ambitious agenda.

Q: How Washington, D.C.-focused do you think that the governor should be? If you were governor how much time would you be spending on D.C.? A: The governor’s primary responsibi­lity is managing state government and leading here in Massachuse­tts. Having said that, we’re very dependent on the federal government for a lot of resources and to the extent that the federal government is moving in a direction that it seems to be moving, which is really threatenin­g our values, pulling back on major commitment­s to the environmen­t and funding health care ... These issues matter to people here, and people here as I’m going around the state are very concerned about what’s happening at the federal level.

Q: I’ve been seeing this push in Massachuse­tts from voters who want to hear their politician­s yell about opposing Trump ... At what point is this just more political pandering and how much is actually going to change anything?

A: I’m not about grandstand­ing for grandstand­ing’s sake. I’ve worked in government and I know that you’ve got to work collaborat­ively. As governor, I would have to work collaborat­ively with the Legislatur­e, with other stakeholde­rs and with the federal government, with the Trump administra­tion and with Congress ... Having said that, there are certain issues ... that are inconsiste­nt with what we need here in Massachuse­tts and what we believe here in Massachuse­tts then we should stand up and say so.

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