Boston Herald

Kid stresses during bedtime routine


My child’s father and I broke up about a year and a half ago, and it has been traumatic for our 6-year-old son — so much so that he asks to sleep in my bed every night. His father says he’s just fine at his house and sleeps in his own bed, but at my house he cries and gets stressed out before bed. Now he’s telling me he doesn’t want to go to his dad’s. What’s good ex-etiquette?

Good ex-etiquette defined means “good behavior after divorce or separation.” The good news is it sounds as if you and dad have compared notes. The bad news is you need to take it one step further — put a plan in place to help your son.

Let’s consider what might be causing your son’s behavior: As a child grows, he learns to match his behavior to what’s acceptable. At mom’s house, being weepy might be fine, whereas at dad’s, there may be a more “suck it up, buddy” sort of attitude. If you were together, this would be balanced in the home.

Now that you are apart, there are difference­s in your approaches, so you’re seeing different reactions in your son. This does not address how he really feels; it’s an observatio­n about behavior, but imagine how difficult this might be for a little guy who is in the process of learning how to deal with life situations while going back and forth between parents who are at odds.

So, now he’s telling you he doesn’t want to go back to dad’s. This could be for a few reasons.

First, it’s not true and he’s saying the same thing to dad — not because he’s lying or manipulati­ve, but because he doesn’t want to leave either of you.

Second, the exchanges are hostile. It’s not dad’s house he dislikes; it’s how you two act at the exchanges and he doesn’t want to deal with it.

Third, creature comforts — is his room as comfortabl­e at both homes? Does he like his bed more at one home?

Fourth, privacy or one-on-one time. Are there more kids or a new partner at dad’s and he’s feeling neglected? Does he have to share a room when he didn’t before? How about a roommate he doesn’t know?

Fifth, how different is the bedtime routine at dad’s? The routine doesn’t have to be the same, but it must be something the child looks forward to.

Bottom line: Breakups do not change your need to parent together, and if your son is in crisis, you don’t blame the other parent. You figure it out together and make changes.

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