Boston Herald

Revere ‘lost a champion and a friend’

- By LAUREL J. SWEET — laurel.sweet@bostonhera­

Sorrow, shock and reverence poured in from the North Shore to the State House in response to yesterday’s sudden death of former longtime Revere Mayor Robert J. Haas Jr.

“I have fond memories of competing on the softball field against him and advocating for local concerns alongside him. He was a dedicated public servant with a kind heart and upbeat dispositio­n. My thoughts are with his wife, Juanita, his children, grandchild­ren and friends at this time,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo, a Winthrop Democrat.

Haas, 74, was president of the Revere City Council and running for re-election to the seat he’d held more than 13 years. He is believed to have suffered a massive heart attack while vacationin­g on Block Island off the coast of Rhode Island, according to fellow Councilor John F. Powers, who worked in Haas’ administra­tion in the 1990s and met with him late last week.

“He seemed to be fine. This came as a complete surprise,” Powers said. “He told me he was going away over the holiday. He talked about being with his family. He was really looking forward to it. He was completely happy.”

Haas, a lifelong Revere resident, served four terms as mayor from 1992 to 2000. In addition, he and wife Juanita ran the former Haas Business Forms stationery store for more than four decades.

Revere City Council vice president Patrick M. Keefe Jr. called Haas’ death “shocking and extremely upsetting. He was a great mentor to myself as a young city councilor. I’m saddened by his loss and my prayers are with his family right now.”

Revere Mayor Brian M. Arrigo yesterday lowered flags at City Hall to half-staff. He said Revere has “lost a champion and a friend.”

“Bob has been a mentor and a friend throughout my career. His counsel and support has meant the world to me,” Arrigo said. “It’s hard to imagine the city of Revere without Bob Haas’ presence; I will always think of him every time I sit in the mayor’s office he called home for four terms.”

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