Boston Herald

Pontiff’s rain-soaked visit a sunny memory


The city of Boston has played host to many historic events and celebratio­ns over its long and proud history.

Regardless of whether it was a happy occasion, like a presidenti­al visit or sports championsh­ip parade, or a tragic moment like the 2013 terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon, I often find myself reliving these momentous days whenever the anniversar­ies come up.

That’s why, whenever the leaves start to change, I remember with excitement, great pride and fondness, what I was doing Oct. 1, 1979, when an estimated 400,000 people gathered on the Common for an outdoor Mass led by Pope John Paul II.

We were busy helping the Rev. Tom McDonnell — who at the time was heading up the Catholic Archdioces­e of Boston’s Outreach to the Handicappe­d and Special Needs Community — prepare the seats for the elderly and special needs faithful who would be seated in the front row for the service.

I’ll never forget the excited cheers from the crowd when the pope stepped out onto the altar. It was deafening.

Soon after, the nearly half a million people who crowded together to welcome the pontiff at his first stop on his first pastoral visit to the United States were sent scrambling for the cover of nearby doorways, businesses and even the State House when they found themselves caught in a downpour.

But not the elderly, handicappe­d and wheelchair­bound residents who were enjoying the premier seats we reserved for them. They stayed right where they were, a few yards from the pope, getting drenched and loving every moment of it.

I remember volunteer Frankie Kelley saying “there was no place in the world that he would rather be.”

After Mass, the pope walked off the altar and shook hands and blessed the special needs Catholics who had come to hear him speak. It was a beautiful sight to observe. I often told the pope how meaningful that day was to the people of Boston.

At the annual Simon of Cyrene breakfast in Dorchester today, I will share my memories of that day with the crowd of loyal volunteers, parents and grandparen­ts of local special needs kids and relay how honored we are to help Sister Margaret Youngclaus, affectiona­tely known as “Sister Peggy,” carry on this great tradition that the Rev. McDonnell started many years ago.

I told them how I’ll always remember that day and the courage and faith demonstrat­ed by the handicappe­d, their family members and the moving presence of Pope John Paul II as one of Boston’s greatest events.

Raymond L. Flynn is a former mayor of Boston and former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? PROUD DAY FOR BOSTON: Pope John Paul II greets the crowd from the rooftop of the motorcade carrying him through the streets of Boston on Oct. 1, 1979.
AP FILE PHOTO PROUD DAY FOR BOSTON: Pope John Paul II greets the crowd from the rooftop of the motorcade carrying him through the streets of Boston on Oct. 1, 1979.
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