Boston Herald

Dems can capture Republican­s abandoning their party

- By JENNIFER RUBIN Jennifer Rubin writes the Right Turn blog for The Washington Post.

The Washington Post reported this week:

In 2017, the number of people who identify as Republican dropped off. The number of people who identify as Republican­leaning independen­t stayed about the same, and the number who identified as pure independen­t went up.

It’s often the case that political transition­s happen gradually. In a presidenti­al race, people usually don’t switch from one candidate to the other; they make a pitstop in “undecided” first. It’s possible that a number of Republican­s began to identify as Republican-leaning independen­t as a number of Republican-leaning independen­ts decided not to lean that way anymore.

Trump has focused almost exclusivel­y on his base, but his hyperparti­san ethno-nationalis­m means that “his party eroded over the course of 2017, which, given his margin of victory two years ago, bodes poorly for a re-election,” the Post pollsters found.

This doesn’t mean Democrats have won these voters over. It does, however, mean that these voters could be won over in the midterms and beyond. Democrats need to think seriously about how to appeal to those voters Trump has shaken loose from the GOP.

Democrats would do well to recognize who these voters are. Other polling data show Trump’s erosion among white women (both college and noncollege educated) voters. If we look at the results in Virginia in 2017, we see that Democrats outpaced Hillary Clinton in Washington’s northern suburbs — home to middleand upper-middle-class profession­als.

It’s easy to see why these voters, formerly comfortabl­e with a Mitt Romney, would be alienated from a Trumpized GOP. We think that breaks down into four groups of concerns (each or all four may apply to the newly-aggrieved Republican­s).

First, Trump’s ethnonatio­nalism, which many Republican­s were willing to ignore in the campaign, is a mainstay of his agenda — and a turnoff for voters who are comfortabl­e living in a global economy and determined to keep America as an inclusive country.

Second, Trump promised a tougher, more muscular foreign policy than President Obama had. Instead voters see a wild man careening from one needless dust-up with allies to another, trying to undo internatio­nal agreements seemingly to spite Obama and, worst of all, inviting war with North Korea and coddling Russia. Instead of a sober captain at the ship of state, they have a reckless, unschooled rookie who delights in crashing into the rocks. He is both overly aggressive (threatenin­g war with North Korea) and too docile (for example, failing to sanction Russia and leaving us open to election meddling).

Third, if the GOP used to be the “Dad” party — sober on the budget, stressing law and order — it’s now a party in the grips of a rulebreaki­ng adolescent with no appreciati­on for fiscal sobriety. He attacks the FBI, runs up the deficit and enriches himself and his entitled children. This guy is making the Democrats look like the fiscally responsibl­e and pro-law enforcemen­t party.

Finally, Trump’s treatment of women — and the GOP’s tolerance of him — gnaws at and infuriates women who have previously defended the GOP from the accusation it is conducting a “war on women.”

So what’s a Democrat to do? Don’t scare them off for one thing. Sound like sober grown-ups. Reject anti-immigrant hysteria on moral grounds as well as economic (we need trade and need immigrants). Remind voters that what makes us American is not race or ethnicity but values and a shared democratic creed. Be tough but sane on foreign policy. Trump has left us with our guard down and saber-rattled with no real game plan for defusing the North Korea crisis. Being clear that Russia poses a threat, our intelligen­ce community is valued and we face a dangerous world where allies are needed will sound reassuring to these ex-GOP voters. And as for women, Democrats should be determined to expose and end abuse (in the executive or legislativ­e branch, in the military, in business). That means candor, transparen­cy (that is, hearings) and a clear moral voice.

If Democrats can do these things — promising to end Trump’s abuse of power and the presidency (for example, conflicts of interest, corruption) with hearings, transparen­cy and accountabi­lity — they’ll win over a whole lot of “Republican-leaning independen­ts.” What’s more, they’d lay the groundwork for 2020 when, Democrats better hope, a presidenti­al nominee without Hillary Clinton’s baggage will provide the alternativ­e to the unhinged party of Trump.

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