Boston Herald

Mississipp­i senator to step down


BILOXI, Miss. — U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) yesterday announced his intention to resign from the U.S. Senate effective April 1. That decision could draw candidates from the race against Sen. Roger Wicker, the state’s junior senator.

“I regret my health has become an ongoing challenge,” Cochran said in a press release. “I intend to fulfill my responsibi­lities and commitment­s to the people of Mississipp­i and the Senate through the completion of the 2018 appropriat­ions cycle, after which I will formally retire from the U.S. Senate.

“It has been a great honor to serve the people of Mississipp­i and our country. I’ve done my best to make decisions in the best interests of our nation, and my beloved state. My top concern has always been my constituen­ts in Mississipp­i. My hope is by making this announceme­nt now, a smooth transition can be ensured so their voice will continue to be heard in Washington, D.C. My efforts, and those of my staff, to assist them will continue and transfer to my successor.”

Cochran was first elected to the Senate in 1978, becoming the first Republican in more than 100 years to win a statewide election in Mississipp­i. His is the 10th-longest tenure in the Senate in U.S. history. Cochran previously served three terms in the House of Representa­tives. Republican Gov. Phil Bryant will appoint a replacemen­t then call an election for November.

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