Boston Herald

ICE sought to detain rape suspect on lam

Feds, state courts play blame game

- By ANTONIO PLANAS and BOB McGOVERN — antonio.planas@bostonhera­

A Ghanian national in the country illegally who is charged with raping a woman in his Uber car before absconding to his native country was placed on an immigratio­n detainer following his arrest, federal authoritie­s said.

Frederick Q. Amfo, 30, who lived in Quincy, was arraigned Friday for the alleged rape of Emily Murray during the early morning hours of April 8.

Amfo was released from custody after posting $10,000 bail. Investigat­ors suspect he was able to fly home to Ghana because of an error in how the court handled his passport.

U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t personnel said the mistake should have never happened and they’re blaming officials at Quincy District Court.

“Following his arrest on rape charges, ICE issued an immigratio­n detainer to the Weymouth Police Department for Frederick Amfo . ... That detainer should have followed the alien as he transferre­d from the Quincy Court House. The court chose not to forward the detainer to Norfolk County, allowing for his subsequent release on bail from custody,” ICE spokesman John Mohan said in a statement.

“This case highlights the potential dangers of policies that prohibit cooperatio­n with ICE,” he added. “ICE detainers serve as a legally authorized request, upon which a law enforcemen­t agency may rely, to continue to maintain custody of an alien for up to 48 hours so that ICE may assume custody for removal purposes.”

However, a spokeswoma­n for the state Trial Court said federal officials are wrong.

“The Quincy District Court did not receive an immigratio­n detainer document for defendant Frederick Amfo. Consistent with court practice, had the Quincy District Court received a copy of an immigratio­n detainer it would have forwarded that detainer to the House of Correction,” the spokeswoma­n said.

Murray, 30, of Weymouth said she’s tired of the blame game.

“It’s just a bunch of finger-pointing. At least we’re narrowing down where stuff happened . ... But something has to be done where it’s not a case of human error anymore,” she said. Her emotional “wound is still very much open and raw,” Murray said.

The Norfolk District Attorney’s Office also said it never received informatio­n about Amfo’s immigratio­n detainer. Court records state Amfo had 24 hours to surrender his passport after posting bail — a procedure that is now changed. Anyone ordered to surrender a passport must do so before being bailed.

The U.S. has an existing extraditio­n treaty with Ghana and as part of the decades-old agreement, the countries will surrender a person for trial or punishment for a series of different crimes. Rape is one of the crimes under the accord that will trigger extraditio­n, the agreement states.

A State Department official said in an email that its policy is to “not comment on specific extraditio­n requests” and referred comment to the Department of Justice. A DOJ spokeswoma­n said the department does not discuss extraditio­n requests.

Amfo’s case is the latest evidence of growing tension between state and federal immigratio­n authoritie­s on the heels of a Supreme Judicial Court decision last year. The SJC declared that state officials don’t have the power to detain someone based on a request from ICE alone.

 ??  ?? ‘A BUNCH OF FINGER-POINTING’: Emily Murray says she is tired of the blame game after Frederick Q. Amfo, left, left the U.S. Amfo is accused of rape.
‘A BUNCH OF FINGER-POINTING’: Emily Murray says she is tired of the blame game after Frederick Q. Amfo, left, left the U.S. Amfo is accused of rape.
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